HANC Middle School’s Eighth Grade Graduation took place on Thursday, June 16, in the tent outside Shulamith Long Island. The tent was adorned with balloons and “2022.” The graduates looked extremely proud as they walked down the aisle, and their parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were certainly shepping a lot of nachas.
The graduation began with a “walk down memory lane.” Baby pictures of the graduates were projected on the huge screen and then a montage of the Middle School years definitely caused some tears. After the procession and the anthems, Pras Hitztaynut award recipients Kayla Brukner and Tamar Frankel delivered the invocation. They spoke about the theme of the graduation, which was unity.
Following the invocation, Mrs. Morey, the Assistant Principal, offered words of greeting. She explained that each student has been given the tools to make decisions and this is their moment.
Next came the president of the yeshivah, Dr. Ruchi Kushner. She spoke about the students’ resilience and everything they accomplished. Eitan Goldress, one of the Torah Umada Award recipients, expressed the idea that sometimes the Torah is to protect us from our enemies and sometimes those enemies are quiet.
Interspersed through the program were two videos that discussed what advice the graduates would give an incoming Middle School student and the graduates’ favorite memories of HANC Middle School. Eliana Goldman, Torah Umada award recipient, spoke about b’chirah chafshis and the freedom to make decisions.
Rabbi Hecht, principal, spoke about the importance of being quiet and being m’vateir even when you have every reason to scream out and complain. Next, came the distribution of diplomas.
The evening concluded with a benediction delivered by Shira Massihesraelian and Avi Pearlman, who were Pras Hitztaynut award winners. They spoke about the importance of appreciating Torah and continuing to live in the ways of Hashem. We wish all of the graduates and their families much brachah and hatzlachah!