On Sunday evening, January 29, Let’s Get Real With Coach Menachem featured Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, well-known speaker and author, on the topic of “Bridging Our Pain And Suffering” and “Living Through The Birth Pangs of the Messianic Era.” The program began with the recitation of T’hilim 121.
Rabbi Goldwasser shared a quote from the Book of Michah (7:8) in Tanach: “When I sit in darkness, Hashem is a light for me.”
Klal Yisrael is experiencing times of challenge now like no other time.” He confided that sometimes he wants to avoid reading the headlines in the Jewish newspaper. He said especially when there is something like this that happens. There was a terrorist attack on our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael and this brings a shudder to each of us. We see pain and suffering in klal Yisrael in all different areas. He enumerated areas of children going off the derech, shidduchim, parnasah issues, shalom bayis issues, health issues, mental health issues, etc.
In the quote from Michah (ki eisheiv ba’choshech), the Hebrew word eisheiv is an acronym. The alef stands for emunah, the shin stands for simchah, and the beis stands for bitachon.
He said that we have emunah that everything Hashem does is all for the good. The tune for “Ani Maamin” was composed by a Jew who was in a cattle car headed to Auschwitz. Hashem sent this song to strengthen all of the people. One person escaped off the car and he promised he would spread the song.
Rabbi Goldwasser shared that “when we are at our worst, we show how high a Yid can rise. Nothing can defeat a Yid.”
Hashem gave us a high soul. It can overcome any challenge in life. A person has to have faith.
We have to be able to smile even when we are experiencing difficulties. We have to find happiness in life. When a person smiles, it is better than giving someone food. The Talmud says that showing the white of the teeth is better than milk. When you smile, you transfer your belief that everything that is happening is for the good.
All of us have bitachon – faith and trust in the future. I believe Hashem can make it right. “Is Hashem’s hand ever too short?” He isn’t limited by any boundaries. We see miracles and wonders every day. “I have full bitachon that today it can better.”
Rabbi Goldwasser listed recent tragedies like COVID and the collapse in Meron, the collapse in Surfside, Florida, and Stolin. He shared that he wrote a kinah titled “Thoughts of My Heart.” A number of communities have taken it on. He taught that we have hope for a brighter future. Today there are so many shiurim on so many subjects, and there are so many chesed organizations. It’s unbelievable. We are doing great as klal Yisrael. Mi k’amcha Yisrael?
“There was never so much Torah and chesed!” We should be deserving of Mashiach – a time when all tears are over.
Rabbi Goldwasser said that we are a special generation. A light will dispel a lot of darkness that exists in the world. He pointed out that people today are so honest and genuine. People want to know the halachah. There is m’siras nefesh on very level. People are careful with words. “It is a generation that has produced giborim. Hashem knew that in the generation before Mashiach we would be challenged. Hashem gave us holy chutzpah so we would have strength to stand in face of challenge.
He noted how he saw little boys in Yerushalayim sitting on steps reciting T’hilim on their own with no morah or rebbe present. He saw girls go to a shiur during the time of candle lighting. He repeated, “Mi k’amcha Yisrael?”
Rabbi Goldwasser answered questions during the shiur, and when someone asked how to have emunah when they’ve been through such a difficult challenge, he responded that Hashem cries with us. Hashem suffers with those who suffer. “Don’t allow yourself to lose your self-esteem.” Build yourself up and try to believe in Hashem. Hashem believes in us.
He also shared that when you recite “See our affliction” in Sh’moneh Esrei, have in mind all our personal challenges and difficulties. “Hashem is your Father in Heaven. He cries with you, and He cares for you.”
When someone asked about how to keep faith that Mashiach is coming, Rabbi Goldwasser responded that we should never lose inspiration that Mashiach is coming. The Rambam taught that when the world is deserving, Mashiach will come at that moment. Everyone will rejoice and suffering will end. The Malbim teaches that Hashem will wipe away our tears from our face. We have different tear ducts for tears of sorrow and tears of joy; and when Mashiach comes, we will only have tear ducts for tears of joy.
Rabbi Goldwasser related, “Know one day that things will get better.”
He shared a brachah that we should be redeemed from whatever we are going through. We should be healed. Tzaros pave the way for big miracles and good news.
By Susie Garber