There are countless compliments and praises of the sacred and holy book of T’hilim. Our Rabbis and great Sages teach us that we can save many people from sickness or anything bad by just reciting T’hilim.
According to the Zohar, all the chapters of Sefer T’hilim were composed with ruach ha’kodesh. Though the Gemara (Bava Basra 14b) relates that other great men, such as Adam HaRishon and Moshe Rabbeinu, have contributed to T’hilim, only David HaMelech had the wisdom, understanding, and insight to bring it all together.
The Tzemach Tzedek writes, “If you only knew the power that lies in the verses of T’hilim and their effects in the celestial heights, you would recite them all the time. Know that the chapters of T’hilim break through all barriers and soar aloft from level to level unimpeded. They intercede before the Master of the Universe and secure their effect with kindness and mercy.”
“Through the T’hilim, we bring closer the Redemption” (Midrash T’hilim, Shir HaShirim).
The Pele Yo’eitz says, “One who routinely says T’hilim is protected from all harm befalling his house, his family etc. One who wishes to attach himself to Hashem and His praises should be connected to Sefer T’hilim. We have a tradition that one who has a problem, or a pain, or is going on the road should read the entire T’hilim all day without stopping, with kavanah and humbleness. He will see wonders. It’s a tradition that has been tried and tested (and works).”
Rabbi Haim Palagi writes that those who recite T’hilim (and Birkas HaMazon) daily lengthen their years and days. Rabbi Haim Palagi also writes that this world stands upon T’hilim, one redeems himself or herself from any damages, and redemption will come through the recitation of T’hilim.
The Chida explains: “One who recites T’hilim each day is considered as though he fulfilled the entire Torah and merits a place beneath the Throne of Glory… One who is accustomed to [reciting] T’hilim repels all kinds of calamities and several harmful plagues from him, his household, his family members, and his entire generation.”
The third Lubavitcher Rebbe said that if people knew the power of T’hilim they would never want to stop saying it. When the Jewish people recite T’hilim with a broken heart, the Almighty forgives all their sins. The words of T’hilim have a power to effect changes in the Higher Realm.
The Shulchan Aruch explains that T’hilim has an awesome power that is inherent in the words themselves, and one who reads the books of Tanach without understanding all of their contents has nevertheless fulfilled his obligation to study Torah.
The Rambam teaches that a healthy person may read verses and chapters of Psalms in order that, in the merit of its recitation, he should be protected, and he should be saved from difficulty and harm.
List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)
Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.
Michael Rachamim ben Mazal
Yosef Yosi ben Simchah
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zissel
Chaim ben Adinah Eidel
Matan ben Devorah
Noam ben Adi
Moshe Shlomo ben Orah Sarah
Tinok ben Chavah Michal
Omer ben Tali
Shachar ben Golan
Yisrael ben Raizel Shoshanah Miriam
Shmaryahu ben Raizel Shoshanah Miriam
Moshe David ben Yente Gittel
Mazal bas Rivkah
Odelya bas Mahbubeh Yocheved
Zhenya bas Zoya
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Mitali Naomi bas Gilah Farcha
Zoya bas Rachel Raya
Rachel bas Leah
Mazal bas Rachel
Tziporah bas Fruma
Israeli Soldiers (Please recite Psalms 25, 26, 46, 83, 142.)
Ben Zion Yitzchak ben Ilanah Malkah
Aharon Simchah ben Meirah Ilanah
David ben Rivkah Zlata
Matnia ben Sarah
Yehudah Chaim ben Mina Chayah
Yehudah ben Baila
Shai ben Baila
Ro’i ben Baila
Asaf ben Tamar
Avitar ben Tamar
Elad ben Tamar
Amit Levy ben Dalit
Menachem ben Aliza Esther
Yehoshua ben Aliza Esther
Binyamin ben Chanah
Yoel Tzvi ben Adinah Shoshanah
Moshe Avraham ben Malkah Rivkah
Yosef Rachamim ben Sarah
Binyamin Moshe ben Sarah
Yosef Elyasaf ben Devorah
Menachem Shlomo ben Miriam Tamara
Omer ben Sigal
Moshe David ben Chavah Leah
Shmuel Yonah ben Leah
Yehoshua Hershel ben Chanah
Alexander Gedalia ben Chayah Basyah
Ezra Yisrael ben Chayah Basyah
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.