Nosson Nota (Jonathan) Kaplowitz a”h, 50, of Kew Gardens Hills, was niftar this past Sunday, June 23. Rabbi Shaul Wertheimer, founder of Chabad on Campus at Queens College, officiated a graveside levayah Monday afternoon at New Montefiore Cemetery in West Babylon.
Jonathan, born on October 23, 1973, to Jay and Judy Kaplowitz, both of blessed memory, was remembered as Q-36, a founding member of Chaverim of Queens and Great Neck, who brought chesed into every aspect of his life and into the lives of his dear children. His love for learning Torah and helping others in the smallest of ways stands as a lasting testament for all to emulate.
Jonathan is survived by his children, Yitzi Kaplowitz, Gayli Gudema, and Michal Kaplowitz; and his siblings Dr. Jeremy (Yitzy), Jordan, and Janna Mechlovitz.
Shiv’ah will be observed through Sunday morning at the Mechlovitz residence, 290 Dolphin Drive, Woodmere. Shacharis is at 8 a.m., minchah/maariv at 8:20 p.m.