Love for the Livshitz family was on full display as well over 100 participants turned out despite a pouring rain for Renewal’s living kidney donations informational seminar at the Young Israel of Queens Valley last month. The program was hosted on behalf of Donny Livshitz, who together with his wife Leah (daughter of Kew Gardens Hills longtime residents Avrumie and Malkie Itzkowitz), spent many years in the Kew Gardens Hills community before moving to the Five Towns.

The agenda began with divrei brachah from HaRav Noach Isaac Oelbaum, Renewal’s poseik, and mara d’asra at KGH’s Khal Nachlas Yitzchok. The Rav extolled the virtues of one who is able to commit to undertake this incredible deed. During the program, Rabbi Josh Sturm, Renewal’s Director of Outreach, walked the audience through the process of becoming a kidney donor, explaining the testing and recovery processes in detail. Attendees learned that while kidney donation is not for everybody, there are many out there who would qualify. Renewal believes in a zero-pressure approach, where they hold the hand of the kidney donor throughout the process while giving them every opportunity to back out, thereby ensuring that those who donate do so with a heart and due to feelings of an obligation. Renewal also provides loss of wages and reimbursement for other expenses incurred by the donor along the journey.


Those gathered were also treated to a beautiful interview with kidney donor and beloved KGH Hatzalah member, Dr. Ellie Bennett. The local physician emotionally described his mindset of having the once-in-a-lifetime chance to donate life to an individual in need. Listeners sat captivated by Dr. Bennett’s inspirational remarks. By the end of the evening, over 60 individuals got swabbed to see if they could be a match for Donny!

The strong attendance was a testament to klal Yisrael’s passion to seek opportunities to display ahavas chinam in advance of Tish’ah B’Av. If you were unable to attend the Tuesday, August 6, event, and would like to get swabbed for Donny, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By QJL Staff