Labor Day weekend was an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and grow in observance for a group of 20 Emet Outreach students. Led by Ms. Shira Fendel, Emet Women’s Director, the young women spent a wonderful three-day weekend together. On Friday, they went boating on the Jersey Shore and then relaxed for a few hours by a private pool. Then it was off to a beautiful rented house in Brook Hill Estates in Lakewood for Shabbos. The group enjoyed dinner together on Friday night and then were hosted by families in the community on Shabbos day. In the afternoon, the ladies visited the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ari Krug, who shared their religious journey. They also heard from Mrs. Joni Miller about her amazing journey from California to Lakewood. Nechama Cohen, a well-known singer, led a lovely musical Havdalah.
The fun continued on Motza’ei Shabbos when the girls went to the boardwalk for some rides and pizza. Sunday morning brought a delicious breakfast and an empowering d’var Torah by Mrs. Lauren Roth. After hearing her words, and since it was Rosh Chodesh Elul, the girls decided to take it upon themselves to say Nishmas for 40 days – from Rosh Chodesh until Yom Kippur. They said it for the first time on their scenic porch within a forest. The girls were also privileged to meet with Rabbi Yitzchak Dwek, author of A Life of Bitachon, who gave each of them an individual brachah.
The rest of the day was a whirlwind of swimming and a jaunt to a ranch for horseback riding, archery, and a picnic dinner.
“This Shabbaton really provided a spiritually uplifting start to the month of Elul,” said Ms. Fendel. “I, along with the other Emet madrichos, were impressed by the ever-growing religious commitment of our students. They inspire us as much as we inspire them.”