Emet Outreach provides engaging and educational Jewish programming on five New York City college campuses and at Stony Brook University on Long Island. St. John’s University, in Fresh Meadows, Queens, is an especially active site. The university is home to multiple weekly classes and events that often draw more than 50 students. A weekly highlight is the “Lunch and Learn,” which is held in partnership with the Jewish Students Association (JSA) and Emet Outreach. There’s an intensive ten-week fellowship offered each semester on campus, as well, replete with Jewish studies, a light dinner, and Shabbaton opportunities. Rabbi Mordechai Kraft, Emet Co-Director, also gives a class in Biblical Hebrew for college credit.
The holidays offer additional opportunities for more dynamic programming. Emet’s Rabbi Michael Fuzaylov recently led a mock “Rosh HaShanah Seder.” He inspired students in advance of the chag by giving them a chance to partake in and discuss the symbolic foods and their accompanying blessings for the New Year.
With Sukkos approaching, Emet is once again working with the JSA to build the campus sukkah. This year, the sukkah promises to be the largest one yet, due to the great interest of so many St. John’s students.