Pirkei Avos was collected and written down by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi in Eretz Yisrael as a statement of the principles of the Jewish religion. Pirkei Avos details the Torah’s views on ethics and interpersonal relationships. Unlike all the other books of the Mishnah, Pirkei Avos has no law in it. It is made up of wise sayings or lessons.
Many of us are familiar with Pirkei Avos, or at least some of its most famous aphorisms. For example: “Al sh’loshah d’varim – The world stands on three things: Torah, worship, and acts of loving-kindness.” Even though things change and the world progresses, these principles are eternal; they stand forever and the world depends upon them:
“al haTorah” – on the Torah. We must develop many students. The more students there are, the more Torah there is in the world. Torah = knowledge, wisdom, and insight.
“al ha’avodah” – on the service – sacrificial service in the Temple or the observance of the commandments. The making of a fence for the Torah safeguards the commandments between man and God from being violated.
Torah and avodah alone are insufficient in sustaining the world. There is no world without action; there is no purpose to learning and praying if it doesn’t ultimately lead to acts of goodness in the universe.
“v’al g’milus chasadim” – on acts of kindness. Be deliberate in judgment – fair laws, carefully administered, create a safe society free of strife. The greatest kindness between man and man include: 1. brings joy to bride and bridegroom 2. comforts the mourner 3. visits the sick, and lends money free of interest 4. buries the dead, and passes no judgment on another person 5. promotes good will.
Our sages taught us that Avraham stands for kindness and hospitality. Yitzchak stands for service of God – he permitted himself to be a sacrifice. Yaakov represents Torah study – he spent 14 years studying in the Yeshivah of Sheim V’Eiver. Let us all strive to emulate our forefathers and fill out lives with Torah that is inclusive and expansive, prayers that are serious, and everyday behaviors that are generous and open-hearted.
List of People Who Need
a R’fuah Sh’leimah
(a complete recovery)
Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.
Boris Baruch ben Frecha Frida
Alter Shmuel ben Chavah Leah
Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel
Chaim ben Malkah
Yehudah Yudel ben Miriam Gittel
David ben Rachel
Yisrael Zundel ben Miriam
Steven David ben Violette
Baruch Avraham ben Helen
Shimon ben Sarah
Yaakov Dov ben Priva
David Yosef Elimelech ben Elisheva Hinda
Yisachar David ben Chayah Brachah
Matisyahu Yeshayahu ben Chanah Chinka
Ariel Shmuel ben Leah
Yonah Gedaliah ben Pesha
Nasan ben Naamah
Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas
Chayah Shoshanah Tovah bas Esther
Ruchamah Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel
Malkah bas Allegre
Gittel bas Sarah
Esther Hadassah bas Devorah
Perel bas Nechamah
Mechelina Simchah bas Rinah
Rachel Leah bas Sarah
Tehillah Hadassah bas Elanah
Rachel Leah bas Sarah
Hadas bas Ora
Yael bas Ruth
Esther bas Nacha
Orana bas Suzan
Chavah Leah bas Esther
Mazal bas Malkah
Shirah bas Devorah Leah
Miriam bas Rachel
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.