Interested in becoming an expert conversationalist when dating? Looking for guidance on “finding the one”? Are you a parent who wants insight into the shidduch process, or are simply intrigued with the dynamics of relationships and love listening to podcasts?
Celebrating its 10th episode, the “YUConnects CandiDate” podcast offers its listeners candid conversations on the Jewish dating scene with experts and influencers in the field. Released twice each month with thousands of downloads, CandiDate is educational, entertaining and perfect for anyone dating or wanting to improve their own interpersonal relationships.
Talented hosts Rabbi Shmuel Ismach, rabbi of the Young Israel of Great Neck and rebbe at Yeshiva University’s Stone Beis Medrash Program, and Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, rabbi of Congregation Beth Aaron and director of Professional Rabbinics at RIETS, offer their own perspectives on relationships during conversations with noted guests. Mr. Charlie Harary, Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin, Rabbi Dr. Ari Sytner, and Prof. Naomi Nechama Klapper are just some of the featured speakers who illuminate the dating arena by exploring genetic screening, handling rejection, conversation tips and even best “date foods” in a fast-paced and informative manner.
The feedback the YU Connects team has received has been very positive. The episode on “Are You Ready?” helped a listener move forward in a relationship, and parents often email showing appreciation for the insights and helpful suggestions they’ve learned from the series. One young man was thankful for the suggestion mentioned in an episode that a matchmaker serve as intermediary, rather than a friend, resulting in the process going much smoother and leading to his engagement.
Like all good podcasts, some episodes have generated buzz and debate. “An Inside View of Matchmaking” featured Lisa Elefant, a director of a matchmaking service, and Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky, director of YUConnects. They discussed the value of “a simple thank you” or a box of chocolate to volunteer matchmakers who put in great effort and give much of their time. Another guest, Rachel Hercman, LCSW, received numerous messages from people sharing how deeply her “breaking-up” episode impacted them.
Stay tuned for upcoming segments on reference checking, dealing with in-laws and keeping the engagement period sane, with experts such as Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Aleeza Ben Shalom, Rabbi Dr. Noam Weinberg, Rachel Pill, and Dr. Binyamin Tepfer.
Whether you’re a first-time dater or want an enjoyable and “easy listening” podcast to deepen interpersonal connections, YUConnects CandiDate is the podcast to subscribe to as well as share with others. Available on all podcast platforms, download it today at Feel free to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to suggest topics of interest and speakers.
With 483 engagements to date, YUConnects is at the forefront of dating education with its resources of renowned faculty, matchmakers, mental health experts and rabbinic advisors. Thousands of members and a friendly, dedicated staff of 100 volunteer matchmakers have all made YUConnects the premier dating non-profit organization assisting the Orthodox Jewish world. Social events, symposiums, matchmaker training, dating activity resources and numerous publications have offered concrete solutions for those seeking guidance and networking opportunities. Learn more about the program at