Over 120 mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends recently gathered at the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates for an evening of celebration and inspiration. Hosted by Emet Outreach, the summer soiree was intended to bring about a spiritual connection for women in the community.
“We wanted to take a moment this summer to bring women together with a multi-generational event,” said Ms. Adina Fendel, Emet Women’s Director. “Our goal for the evening was to recognize the power of both women’s connection to Hashem through t’filah as well as our connection and support of one another.”
When guests arrived, they were met with a musical medley of tunes spun by DJ Amnon. The mood was relaxed, as the women mingled and enjoyed a beautiful and delicious buffet dinner catered by Simcha Palace. Emet student Victoria Khaimov set the tone for the evening when she posed the question to the crowd, “What does Judaism mean to you?” She explained that since discovering Emet, a woman’s role in Judaism has taken on an entirely new meaning in her life. She also discussed the power of Jewish women.
Adina Fendel then introduced another student, Esther Mavlyanova. Esther delivered a d’var Torah about the importance of being “grateful” and appreciating all the good that Hashem does in our lives. She ended by expressing hakaras ha’tov to her mother. In a memorable moment, Esther invited all the mothers in the room to stand up and receive a resounding round of applause for their important and tireless role in their families.
Along the family theme, Miriam Musayev, told the crowd about EmetMatch, an exciting new matchmaking initiative to connect Emet students with like-minded individuals looking to build Torah-true homes.
The highlight of the evening was when Mrs. Charlene Aminoff, renowned speaker and owner of Gali’s Couture Wigs, charmed and enthralled the crowd. She spoke about “How to Make Hashem Your Best Friend – in Four Easy Steps.” She discussed how communicating with Hashem throughout the day really enhances our lives. Charlene ended by having all the women say Nishmas together. Everyone was invited to use the evening as the start of a new 40-day cycle of saying the t’filah, which would be poignantly completed on Shabbas Shuvah between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.
“Last night was an amazing way to reunite and spend quality time with all the ladies, friends, and moms after being apart for so long,” said Khana Zavulunov, an Emet student for over ten years. “I’ve attended many Emet events, and I especially love the mother/daughter programs, because they focus on the most vital relationship we have as we grow into strong women. It was an opportunity to learn together, and I felt so inspired by Mrs. Aminoff and all the speakers.”
In an uplifting conclusion, the women put their arms together and sang “Tov L’hodos LaShem,” followed by dancing.
“It was truly an incredible evening and a big kiddush Hashem,” Adina Fendel said. “We not only got to enjoy the company of women of all ages but were all given chizuk in the month before the Yamim Nora’im. May Hashem answer all of our t’filos.”
For further information about Emet programs, visit EmetOutreach.org. To experience Emet’s comprehensive video library of Torah lectures, visit EmetTorah.com.