Moshe and Liorah Berger on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Yossi and Mikki Berger
Michael and Debbie Block, and Perry and Debbie Winer on the birth of a granddaughter, Malkie, born to Josh and Danielle Wyner. Mazal tov to the great-grandmother, Miriam Schiff.
Eleanor Chiger on the birth of a great-grandson, Aryeh Zev (Ari Jack), born to Dr. Noam and Eta Saltzburg of Englewood
David and Chanee Deutsch, on the birth of a granddaughter, Lola Sophia, born to Binyomin and Gabi Samuels
Sol and Rena Gelernter on the birth of a granddaughter, Miriam, born to Ari and Rochel Gelernter of Brighton, MA. Mazal tov to the great-grandmother, Gusti Blumenthal.
Jonathan and Jennifer Goldsmith on the birth of a daughter, Sophia Brooke. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Steve and Lorraine Goldsmith; and to the great-grandparents, Mike and Vera Goldsmith, and Fay Weinberg.
Sheldon and Betty Greenspan on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Jacob and Lauren Aryeh
Sandy and Beth Herman on the birth of a grandson, born to Larry and Shoshana Knobel of Manhattan
Andrew and Terri Herenstein on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Noah and Tali Kolatch
Michael and Elizabeth Hirt on the birth of a daughter, Shaina Tzirel. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Michael and Amy Berger; and to the great-grandparents, Danny and Ruth Berger, and Mickey and Joni Nathanson.
Henry and Chanie Jakubowicz on the birth of a great-granddaughter, born to Yosef and Chaya Nieman
Yaakov and Gitta Langer on the birth of a daughter, Chana Toba
Penny Kraut and Paul Reinstein on the birth of a grandson, Avinoam Yehuda, born to Aryeh and Ariella Reinstein of Elkana, Israel
R’ Yaacov Tzvi and Rochel Lieberman, and Zev and Suri Schreier on the birth of a grandson, born to Aryeh and Tova Schreier. Mazal tov to the great-grandparents, R’ Max N. Schreier, and Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Dobin; and to the great-great-grandmother, Loretta Saltzman.
Aharon Dovid and Tova Machlis on the birth of a son. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Shmuel and Yocheved Prager, and Mrs. Machlis.
Rav Shmuel and Reb. Yael Marcus on the birth of a grandson, born to Shea and Avigayil Sperka
R’ Yaniv and Leora Meirov on the birth of a son. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stayeb, and Mr. and Mrs. Meirov.
Scott and Faith Moskowitz on the birth of a grandchild, born to Eitan and Leora Ben-Ari. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Ronnie and Naomi Ben-Ari.
R’ Eliyahu and Sarah Raful on the birth of a daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents, R’ Shalom and Vered Raful, and R’ Yitzchak and Ellen Feldman; and to the great-grandparents, R’ Eliyahu Raful, Dr. Jeff and Adina Jagoda, Naomi Feldman, Sharon Beeferman, and Meir and Rachel Weiner.
Assembly Member Daniel and Orli Rosenthal on the birth of a daughter
Barry Salamon on the birth of a grandson, born to Naphtaly and Adina Levy
Tuv and Claire Salzburg on the birth of a grandson, born to Moishe and Channie Mayer of Baltimore
Tommy and Janet Sandel on the birth of a granddaughter, Linda Esther, born to Ben and Marcelle Sandel
Rav Asher and Reb. Ruchie Schechter on the birth of a granddaughter, born to R’ M.S. and Malky Siegel
Baruch and Sarah Schein on the birth of a daughter, Serena Ayelet (Ayelet Elana). Mazal tov to the grandparents, Eileen Schein, and Roy and Ellen Bernstein.
Rav Yoel and Reb. Peri Schonfeld on the birth of a great-grandson, Moshe Shmuel, born to Benny and Aliza Wayntraub of Lakewood
R’ and Mrs. Yitzchok Schwartz on the birth of a granddaughter
Daniel and Ayala Schwerd on the birth of a son
R’ Mordechai and Malky Shimon on the birth of a daughter
Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss, R’ Nechemia and Rheta Zabrowsky, and Miriam Bodner on the birth of a great-grandson, born to Michael and Shoshana Bodner of Ramat Beit Shemesh. Mazal tov to the grandparents, R’ Avraham (Aaron) and Elisheva Strauss, and Baruch and Naomi Bodner.
Eli and Julie Verschleiser on the birth of a grandson, born to Eli and Tamara Ingber
Paul and Yael Weinberg on the birth of a grandson, David Yechiel, born to Yoni and Aviva Weinberg
Nesanel and Tamar Weinreb on the birth of a daughter. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Dr. Zvi and Gail Weinreb, and Det. Maurice and Dr. Syma Baran.
Shlomo and Rivka Wilamowsky on the birth of a granddaughter, born to Binyomin and Miriam Zonenshayn
Yehuda and Rachel Wrubel on the birth of a son, Binyamin Mordechai. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Stanley and Helen Klein.
Mr. and Mrs. Nissan Yusupov on the birth of a son
Isaac and Elisheva Zafir on the birth of a son. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Yossi and Sury Zafir, and Rafi and Karen Sackville; and to the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sackville.
David and Karen Zahner on the birth of a grandson, Moshe Simcha, born to Seth and Rachel Zahner. Mazal tov to the great-grandparents, Stanley and Harriet Zahner.
Sara Zalkin on the birth of a great-grandson, born to Dovie and Menucha Fogel
Abel and Miri Feldhamer on the Bar Mitzvah of Mozy
Heshy and Miriam Gutterman on the Bar Mitzvah of a grandson, Yehuda Gutterman
Jay and Elissa Koffsky on the Bas Mitzvah of Ellie Mia
Ramon and Debra Lyons on the Bar Mitzvah of Avi
Rabbi Dr. David and Gittie Neufeld, and Aryeh and Chani Norman on the Bas Mitzvah of a granddaughter Ally, daughter of Menachem and Yonina Neufeld. Mazal tov to the great-grandmother, Goldie Jaroslawicz.
Asher and Freidi Ribowsky on the Bar Mitzvah of Zevi. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Mutty and Bracha Ribowsky, and Chuny and Malky Gunsburg; and to the great-grandparents, Sarah Weinreb, Eleanor Ribowsky, David and Bella Warman, and Evelyn Gunsburg.
Shimon and Lisa Sigal on the Bar Mitzvah of Yosef
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Tennenbaum on the Bas Mitzvah of Basya
Shoshana Berkowitz, daughter of Yerachmiel and Lauren Berkowitz of Israel, to Elchanan Tawil
Zvi and Batya Fishman on the engagement of a granddaughter, Leah Ackerman, daughter of Yonason and Naomi Ackerman of Passaic, to Yitzchak Markowitz, son of Chaim and Rochel Leah Markowitz of Passaic
Carlie Frucher, daughter of Chaim and Wendy Frucher, to Josh Chesner of Teaneck. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Joan Frucher, and Dr. Howard Bruckner.
Esther Fruchter, daughter of Michael and Tova Fruchter, to Benjy Weil, son of Steve and Yael Weil of Teaneck
Devorah Hagler, daughter of Richie and Sheri Hagler, to Ariel Rosenbloom, son of Michael and Karen Rosenbloom. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Mordy Sohn, Judy Hagler, and Mr. Rosenbloom.
Aliza Hersch, daughter of Eli and Esthy Hersch, to Noah Kalandar, son of Boruch and Renee Kalandar of Bala Cynwyd, PA
Ahuva Lisker, daughter of Meshulam and Tova Lisker, to Akiva Reiss
Yael Menahemov, daughter of Uriel and Orna Menahemov, to Yisrael Meir Hoffman, son of Roy and Laurie Hoffman
Eli and Susan Mirzoeff on the engagement of a granddaughter, Sari Moradi, daughter of David and Bilhah Moradi of Lawrence, to Avigdor Cyperstein, son of Aaron and Malki Cyperstein of Kew Gardens
Yoni Nenner, son of Howard and Rebecca Nenner, to Chaya Friedman, daughter of Sammy and Devorah Zack, and Dovi Friedman of LA
Adam Scharaga, son of Ira and Shelley Scharaga, to Nicole Lieberman, daughter of Marty and Renee Lieberman of Montreal
Rabbi Yechiel and Natalie Simon on the engagement of a great-granddaughter, Esti Katz, daughter of Yehuda and Devora Katz of Lakewood, to Moish Krausz, son of R’ Chaim and Basya Krausz of Passaic. Mazal tov to grandparents, R’ Marty and Yafa Katz
Sara Zalkin on the engagement of a granddaughter, Hadassah Anton, to Shmuel Frichner
Tamar Eisenberg, daughter of Jeff and Shira Eisenberg, to Momo Goodstein
Hon. Simon Gluck to Terri Ann Kevelson
Daniella Kay, daughter of Adam and Jill Kay, to Dovi Bodner, son of Moshe and Shevi Bodner. Mazal tov to the grandparents, Eli and Rena Okun, and Linda Kay.
Rabbi and Mrs. Zalman Max on the marriage of a daughter