As a z’chus for klal Yisrael as Jews worldwide grapple with the unfolding situation in Eretz Yisrael, Chaburas V’kroso L’Shabbos Oneg - Kew Gardens, has been formed by a group of like-minded Kew Gardens and Richmond Hill residents. The consortium has a mutual goal of making Maseches Shabbos their “Olam Haba’’ mesechta. The schedule of learning focuses on the completion of an amud-a-day, studied over the course of a week. Shabbos has been designated for chazarah. The program is designed enabling the chaburah to complete the masechta annually.
The bnei chaburah are committed to learn and subsequently relearn the mesechta. The oilam is zocheh to participate in a live chaburah once a week delivered on Sundays at Khal Adas Yereim of Kew Gardens. Rav Dovid Willig, mara d’asra of Khal Tiferes Moshe, was on hand to deliver the chaburah this past weekend. Notably in attendance were R’ Aaron Cyperstein, Co-President of Khal Adas Yereim, and R’ Shlomo Levy, President of Yeshiva Ketana of Queens.