Colors: Blue Color

James F. Gennaro easily reclaimed his old New York City Council seat in a race that united the Jewish communities of Council District 24. In a momentum not seen before, community leaders and rabbinic figures encouraged the neighborhood to head to the polls. The largest showing of support occurred at the Sunday early voting held in the Queens College Student Union Building, where over one thousand Orthodox voters cast their ballots ahead of a Monday nor’easter that was forecast to dampen Tuesday’s election voter turnout.

In this week’s parshah, following the revelation at Har Sinai, when the people of Israel committed themselves to upholding the Torah and received the Ten Commandments, Hashem proceeds to communicate to Moshe Rabbeinu the rest of the mitzvos of the Torah. The Ramban explains that the monetary laws of this parshah were taught immediately following the giving of the Torah on Har Sinai. Why was this so?

A Parent’s Story

Our weekly parenting group meeting was rolling along as it usually did---chit-chat, joking, complaining, noshing---when my phone rang, and I immediately excused myself to speak in private.  It was our daughter Racheli’s genetic counselor, and she had news that changed everything for us in an instant.