Yeshiva Tiferet Tzion, the renowned mesivta high school in Forest Hills under the direction of Menahel Rabbi Moshe Aharonov, held its much anticipated annual father and son learning program that took place this past Sunday, December 31. As the fathers of the talmidim arrived one-by-one, the atmosphere in the beis midrash was bubbling with excitement and a special kol Torah. The boys filed in, gemaras in hand, ready to learn together with their fathers and showcase some of their learning techniques acquired since September. The fathers first indulged in some coffee, cake, and other refreshments, energized to jump right into learning with their sons. The rebbeim also joined the vibrant learning session, navigating throughout the beis midrash to answer queries and assist the special chavrusos as needed with learning.
An exciting shiur was delivered by Rabbi Ephraim Feinroth, the esteemed tenth grade rebbi, who is well-known throughout the yeshivah for developing each bachur’s unique learning capabilities and allowing their skills to shine. Rabbi Feinroth’s mission is to build confidence in every talmid to read, translate, punctuate, and comprehend Gemara concepts, enabling each boy to learn and review material with a chavrusa or by himself.
Rav Yehoshua Cooper, Menahel of the Mirrer Yeshiva K’tana, Brooklyn, marvelously presented the keynote address, transmitting his love of learning Torah with a special geshmak that showcased our prized values of Yiddishkeit.
Senior student Yaakov Musayev was congratulated for making a siyum masechta at the grand luncheon in the campus ballroom that followed the learning. The celebration included spirited dancing where all joyfully participated. As the occasion culminated, every father was handed a charming magnetic portrait of his son as a souvenir. Additionally, YTT-branded winter gear in the form of YTT ski caps were distributed to both parent and son. At the conclusion of Minchah, it was a beautiful scene to watch fathers and sons depart hand-in-hand upon fulfilling a picturesque day of v’shinantam l’vanecha.
To learn more about Yeshiva Tiferet Tzion, please call 718-544-2727 (ext. 2).
By Shabsie Saphirstein