On Monday, January 29, all of the YCQ kindergarten students received their very own “starter siddurs.” This siddur is an introduction to t’filah readiness skills they will need when receiving their first siddur in Kitah Alef. The siddur will follow them into first grade and help with the transition to the use of a real siddur.
The siddur was compiled by Morah Sharon Korn (Early Childhood Director), Morah Mashie Kopelowitz (Judaic Studies Curriculum Coordinator and Instructional Leader K-8), and the kindergarten morot. “One of our goals is to teach the k’dushah of t’filah. By teaching them how to correctly handle a siddur, which direction to open it up, and by looking at the words and the pictures, they will learn the significance of the t’filos,” they explained. May Hashem always hear their t’filos!