At the conclusion of a Junior High assembly on Thursday afternoon, students were genuinely shocked as Rabbi Landsman suddenly proclaimed breakout for CW (Color War) 5784. The students loudly cheered as the teams Tzafon/Bitachon (Green) vs. Darom/Emunah (Orange) and their respective leaders were announced.
Then the competition hit the ground running. Students found their teams, competed in thrilling Panoply games and relay races, and had time to prepare for two full days of activities.
A sea of green and orange flowed through the JHS Friday morning as students arrived at school covered from head to toe in their team colors. After t’filah, students from each team presented divrei Torah connected to their respective team themes. At breakfast, students also had a special opportunity to write letters to chayalim.

The day continued with a jam-packed schedule of games that included a freeze dance competition, a yarn hunt, Minute-to-Win-It, Coke and Pepsi, musical chairs, and “It’s a School Game.” Students also had team meetings to review for the grand presentations and Torah Bowl competitions on Monday.
The students came back to school on Monday, well rested and ready for the final day of action. After another beautiful t’filah and breakfast featuring divrei Torah and cheers, students headed to their classrooms for an intense Torah Bowl face-off with questions related to the themes. Ultimate dodgeball, line-up, sports mania, and other competitions followed and completed the rest of the morning.

But wait, there’s more!
After lunch and more divrei Torah, everyone turned out to participate in and watch the amazing Apache relay race. Students took part in a variety of activities including singing “HaTikvah,” wheel-barrow races, moving a ping pong ball with a spoon in their mouths, and then passing a baton when the task was completed.
Students then gathered for one last team meeting to prepare for the final presentations. Hebrew and English songs, stomps, dances, skits, and videos wowed the students, teachers, and administration. Banners were presented by students who had spent days creating masterpieces connected to their team themes. A third achdus banner that was created by both teams in unison was also presented to the packed crowd in the lunchroom.

After all the scores were tallied, Rabbi Landsman announced that the orange team had emerged victorious! This Color War was closely fought by both teams, and a great time was had by all.
While, of course, students enjoyed the days of activities, this was more than just a fun time. YCQ strongly believes in the pairing of a strong academic program with education outside of the classroom, and this was a tremendous opportunity for experiential education. From athletes to artists, to techies to Torah bowlers, every single student had the chance to apply his or her individual talents and strengths. Everyone was given the opportunity to shine and develop their personal and collaborative skills, alongside their leadership abilities. This truly enables students to develop a healthy sense of self-worth and confidence that will help them mature into successful b’nei and b’nos Torah.
A huge thank you must be given to Mr. Jacob Grossman for organizing the best Color War to date. Thank you to all the teachers and staff members for helping Mr. Grossman execute his vision and turn it into a reality. Special shout-out to all the student leaders who really shined during this year’s competition: Yoel Basalel, Josh Gadol, Tammy Matatov, Kayla Solemani, Yigal Haimoff, Yona Canter, Adina Masheyev, Ilana Ismailov, Eliyahu Babayev, David Inoyatov, Miriam Feder, and Audrey Rafael.