This past week, a group of close to 40 talmidim headed to Capitol Hill to advocate on behalf of the State of Israel as part of MTA’s eighth annual MTAPAC mission to Washington, DC. This first trip since the 2020 pandemic had the Lobbying Lions heading to their meetings with a renewed sense of urgency, as Congressional support for Israel is not something to take for granted in the aftermath of October 7.
While many MTA talmidim look forward to participating in NORPAC this May, this smaller trip empowered them with the opportunity to lead every step of the way. All of the meetings were arranged by our Senior members of Hatzioni (MTA’s Israel Club and Publication) in the weeks leading up to the trip. In advance of the trip, the talmidim attended training sessions to learn about lobbying, become well versed in the current issues, and develop their own talking points.
After an early morning Rosh Chodesh davening and the long bus ride to DC, the talmidim were ready to take on Capitol Hill.
The trip was divided into five smaller groups; each group, together with its faculty or parent chaperone, headed to the two meetings scheduled by their Senior Captain. Over the course of the afternoon, the talmidim were able to meet with the offices of six Senators and four Members of the House of Representatives. Each meeting delved into the impact of October 7 on Jews around the globe, the importance of maintaining the strong alliance between America and Israel, the absolute necessity of Security Assistance without preconditions to Israel, and urging Congress to do whatever they could to bring home our Hostages. Armed with facts, arguments, and passion, the talmidim made their case to the legislative aids and members of Congress that they were meeting with and engaged them in these important conversations.
After completing their meetings, the talmidim enjoyed some free time on Capitol Hill, visiting the House and Senate Galleries and other sites located within walking distance. After a quick trip to Pershing Park opposite the White House to witness the 5 p.m. taps and daven Minchah, the bus headed back to MTA – filled with tired talmidim from the long trip, but energized from their productive day of lobbying.