Shevach High School students were inspired by an uplifting Yom Iyun in preparation for Pesach. On Rosh Chodesh Nisan, Tuesday, April 9, Mrs. Shulamith Insel, Menaheles, introduced this special event. Expounding upon the morning’s theme of Emunah and Bitachon, Mrs. Insel emphasized their significance in regard to the Yom Tov of Pesach. She went on to introduce guest speaker Rabbi Shaya Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Zichron Aryeh, as well as founder of Priority 1 and the Teach to Reach Educational Program.
Rabbi Cohen addressed the girls and spoke very passionately about how one can reach the status of seeing Hashem in every aspect of one’s life. Rabbi Cohen referred to the watershed event in Jewish history of Y’tzias Mitzrayim, thousands of years ago. There were open miracles at that time, which brought the Jewish nation to recognize the hidden miracles that take place each and every day.
The ability to recognize Hashem’s hand in difficult times is the essence of the Jewish people throughout history, including today. Emunah should always be our guide. Life can be lived with tranquility and free of worry if one internalizes that reality. With specific examples from his own life, Rabbi Cohen brought that idea home for each and every student in the audience.
The entire Yom Iyun was beautifully coordinated by Mrs. Bayla Tropper. Following the inspirational speech, the students were treated to a gala Rosh Chodesh breakfast. After enjoying fresh bagels and muffins, the girls were divided into workshops where they explored the concept of Bitachon and trust in Hashem. The workshops were presented by 14 local community kollel wives and proved to be meaningful and thought-provoking. The morning then continued with a powerful d’var torah by Shevach Senior Maya Harpaz, followed by a choir headed by Avital Pleshtiyev, and a creative video depicting how one can bring the concepts of emunah and bitachon into your everyday life, put together by Yael Goldfarb.
The words of Rabbi Cohen, followed up by the ideas discussed throughout the morning, certainly left a lasting impression on the students. Kudos to the Shevach seniors who headed this inspiring Yom Iyun: Adina Davidov, Yael Goldfarb, Maya Harpaz, Rivky Jakubovics, Naomi Miller, Avital Pleshtiyev, Ariella Siouni, and Shifra Yusupov.