Recently, the Pre-1A classes at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe began their unit on brachos, starting with HaMotzi. The boys embarked on an exciting journey to learn about the amazing world Hashem created for us, focusing on how bread and challah are made.

The lesson started with a simple yet fascinating question: Where does flour come from? The boys discovered that flour is made by grinding wheat kernels. While learning about it was intriguing, seeing the process firsthand was even more exciting. The boys examined real stalks of wheat and listened as wheat kernels were ground in a grinder. Their amazement grew as they watched the kernels transform into flour right before their eyes.

The hands-on experience continued as the boys used the freshly ground flour (along with a few other ingredients) to make their own challah dough. Together with their moros, they measured, poured, mixed, and kneaded the dough. After allowing the dough to rise, Morah Reena and Morah Batsheva performed hafrashas challah with a special brachah. The boys then shaped their own challahs, and the Yeshiva was filled with the delicious aroma of baking bread.

The boys were thrilled to bring their freshly baked challahs home to enjoy on Shabbos. This hands-on learning experience deepened their understanding of the brachah of HaMotzi, fostering a sense of appreciation for the process and the blessings that Hashem provides in our everyday lives.