The Shevach students were welcomed back to school with an exhilarating event. On Wednesday evening, September 9, all were invited to a Back to School Extravaganza run by G.O. heads Elana Adler, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, Dassa Gottesman, Chaya Praeger, and Miriam Romm, with Shevach educational administrator Mrs. Devorah Kovitz coordinating the exciting program.

The grades were invited in different shifts to return after school to Shevach’s new outdoor tent. There they were greeted by a fantastic surprise: “Kanga Shoes.” An original activity created and run by Mrs. Faigy Wasserman and her crew from FunNFit. The girls danced up a storm on their Kanga Shoes and truly had a blast.

 After enjoying this novel activity, the students headed down to a beautifully decorated Multi-Purpose Room to partake in individually packaged Chinese suppers from Soysauce. As the girls enjoyed the delicious meal, they were treated to an inspiring virtual speech delivered by master m’chaneches Rebbetzin Genendel Krohn of Waterbury, Connecticut.

In her inimitable way, Rebbetzin Krohn brought home the message that we are all princesses. With a moving parable, in story form, she emphasized that in order to appreciate that status of princess, we need to work on ourselves. We need to see ourselves as special and strive during our lifetime to remain in the atmosphere of “royalty,” i.e., as part of klal Yisrael.

Now, especially before the awesome days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, that message was especially poignant. The students were mesmerized by her presentation and certainly took the message home with them.

At the end of this special evening, each student received a custom-made delicious chocolate confection, created by Iced By Goldie. The night wrapped up with the G.O. girls performing an original dance, and everyone left, looking forward to an amazing year.

The Back to School Extravaganza certainly was a meaningful night full of ruach, fun, and friendship – a wonderful way to start off a new and promising school year!


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