After a year of challenges, and learning, the first graders at the Yeshiva of Central Queens came together with their cohorts to receive their first siddur. The program began with the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” and “Hatikvah,” led by Rabbi Moshe Hamel and Rabbi Michael Ribalt, followed by a special recitation of T’hilim for all of klal Yisrael during this scary time.
The children then sang a few songs thanking Hashem in Ivrit beautifully and flawlessly, thanks to weeks of work and preparation with their moros: Morah Sophia Brintauch, Morah Leah Nagarpowers, Morah Leah Greenwald, Morah Ronnie Mussafi, Morah Shira Mahgerefteh, and music teacher Mrs. Tali Spector.
Rabbi Ribalt told the students a story of the importance and special connection made when they daven. Then all of the children received their own personalized siddurim that they will use at davening each day throughout their time in Yeshiva.
Mrs. Shirly Pourad-Kaikov and Mrs. Rebecca Kosoff worked extra hard to create this siddur presentation, complete with a goody box and personalized gift, making this day into a memorable experience for all the children.