On Sunday night, the parents of Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion came together for, what many are saying, was the most uplifting and best annual dinner in the Yeshiva’s history. For the first time in over a year, the entire YSZ family was able to come together in person to celebrate the accomplishments of our Yeshiva. Unlike many dinners, which typically honor specific people, this dinner was focused on honoring every member of the YSZ family. The Hanhalah, rebbeim, morot, teachers, parents, and the students were all honored for not just getting through the COVID crisis, but growing to unprecedented heights.
The program was emceed by Mr. Jeremy Feder, Assistant Superintendent of the Lawrence School District and a good friend of Rabbi Fridman. He opened the night by expressing how amazed he was of everything he’s seen and heard of the Yeshiva in the time he has become connected to the Yeshiva. Being acquainted and having worked with Mrs. Zerykier and Rabbi Fridman in the past, and having come to know Rav Ben Mordechai in the last few weeks, Mr. Feder expressed his high hopes for the continued growth of the Yeshiva.
In the video presentation, dinner guests were able to follow the students through a typical day in YSZ, witnessing the amazing dedication and work put in by our world class faculty, who spare no effort in ensuring the continued growth of our talmidim and talmidot. They were able to hear firsthand of the struggles initially faced by the YSZ family in the pandemic, and how as a family, we not only maintained ourselves, but we also grew by leaps and bounds. The dedicated members of the YSZ family all worked together to create the most robust and engaging online school available, causing numerous families from other yeshivot to apply to join our online classes.
The highlight of the evening was our guest speaker, HaRav Moshe Weinberger, rav of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere. The rav spoke on how we must give over the Torah to our children, not merely teach it. With nary a dry eye in the room, all the attendees listened intently to the words of the rav implore us to always ensure that we give over the Torah with the proper love and self-dedication that is needed to properly convey and pass on the Torah to the next generation. In YSZ, the rav’s speech hit home, as we are proud to be a yeshivah where every child is deeply loved by his/her rebbeim, morot, and teachers. It is a yeshivah where the mesorah of the Bukharian community is given over by selfless faculty who give their entire neshamot to our precious talmidim and talmidot.
We are now embarking on a campaign to refurbish our newly acquired campus, where we will create a yeshivah of the highest standard for the children of our community. It will be a mekom Torah where the Torah and mesorah of the Sephardic and Bukharian community will be given over in the purest way, ensuring the continuation of our proud heritage. Join us as we erect the crown jewel of our community, a place where we can rest assured our children will be prepared to lead the next generation.
Baruch Hashem, our enrollment for next year is up by over ten percent, and we are opening our Girls’ High School in September. Many of our classes are already at maximum capacity. Now is the time to join in supporting the institution that will ensure the continued growth of the Sephardic and Bukharian community of Queens and Long Island. For dedication opportunities, please reach out to Rabbi Fridman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..