Shaar Lev at HALB has officially begun! On opening day, students made sukkah decorations for Sukkos and enjoyed singing in the HALB sukkah, led by Rabbi Benji Renov. They were also joined by HALB’s Bnei Akiva shlichos, Shira and Ahuva.
Shaar Lev, in its fourth year, serves local children with unique learning needs who attend public school. Four days a week, these students come to HALB after school to learn Halachah, Parshah, K’riah, and Chumash for the older grades. Rabbi Libman has created a new Middle School program, where boys will learn Mishnah, Gemara, and Hilchos T’filin.
This year, Shaar Lev had record registration with 34 children from grades K through Eight. HALB has expanded their staff for the program. Welcome Rabbi Marciano, Rabbi Steinberg, and Chaya Hyman, who have joined Rabbi Libman, Rabbi Herzberg, Ms. Tamar Mosak, and Ms. Batsheva Milworn. HALB and Shaar Lev would like to thank Superintendent Dr. Anne Pederson for all of her support, District 15 for providing busing, and to all those who have provided the financial support to make this program possible.