So much time and effort went into producing the SKA school video that all the students were thrilled to finally view the finished version. But in a real “v’nahafoch hu,” the video shown actually introduced the Color War ’22 breakout on Tuesday, February 8!
The theme this year was Women in Tanach: Each grade received a special color and different name and midah. The Freshmen (otherwise known as the Yellow Team) represented the g’vurah of Esther, the Sophomores (the Red Team) invoked the emunah of Miriam, the Juniors (the Purple Team) expressed the chesed of Rivkah, and the Seniors (the Blue Team) embodied the t’filah of Chanah.
The school was awash in color the next morning as each team’s hues vied for attention in the hallways and bowling alley of SKA. The teams split into squads to compete at Musical Chairs, Panolopy, Project Runway, Simon Sez, and a Brachos Bee. In addition, teams were judged on d’var Torah videos, cheers, banners and decorations, and a theme song. The SKA judges had difficult decisions to make, as the four grades displayed their amazing talents.
Color War ’22 was finally won by the Seniors! Although the other three grades did not win, they were all proud of what they had accomplished in the day and a half of competition.
SKA’s Color War ended with spirited dancing and incredible achdus between the grades!