In preparation for the new term, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe’s rebbeim and teachers had two days of Professional Development. The morning began with divrei brachah from the Rosh HaYeshivah, HaRav Akiva Grunblatt shlita, who spoke about the value of chizuk and how every success breeds new success. We heard from Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein of Torah Umesorah, who presented on the topics of motivating and connecting with today’s students and creating structure and accountability in a positive classroom environment.
It was an educational and inspirational experience for our rebbeim and staff. We were reminded that both newer and more experienced mechanchim always need to examine their practices and ensure that they are meeting the needs of every talmid. Many of the ideas that were presented are already being implemented in our classrooms and hallways.
Rabbi Pacht connected Rabbi Klein’s ideas to the procedures and programs already in use at Tiferes Moshe and how we can continue to refine our approach to respond to changing needs. He also spoke about the importance of the partnership between home and school. Knowing that we are all pursuing the same objectives and that we all want what is best for each boy. We look forward to continually monitoring and improving our program so as best to accomplish our shared goals.