In observance of National Mental Health Awareness month, the students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls were presented with an extraordinary week-long program devoted to mental health consciousness and acts of kindness. Organized by SKA’s Guidance Department, each day of the week beginning on Monday, May 15, was dedicated to various mental health themes while highlighting kindness and respect.
Mental Health week at SKA kicked off with a powerful video on “Being a Girl” and a hands-on art project exploring the important messages that were presented. The Tuesday SKA MACS (Modesty Awareness Committee by Students) program introduced members of the Reflective, a fashion website that “reflects the real you,” who spoke about their journey to modesty. Workshops after the program explored issues raised by the morning presentation, based on questions prepared by MACS committee members. In the afternoon, SKA students had the opportunity to engage in calming, cognitive activities with the opening of a Sensory Room.
Wednesday was designated “Movie Day” at SKA with the showing of Trolls and discussion of various mental health themes portrayed in the film, including treating everyone with respect. The SKA students also had the opportunity on Thursday to hear from MagenU therapists about personal safety, space, and boundaries; these issues were explored in depth throughout the interactive sessions.
A special Yom Yerushalayim presentation, therapy dogs, and a chesed project on Friday wrapped up a memorable Mental Health Week at SKA. Many students commented throughout the week on how they felt validated for their concerns, and their issues acknowledged. Our sincere thanks go to SKA’s Guidance Department, Dr. Chana Renov, Yael Fischman, Ruthie Feldman, Lisa Fogel, Gabby Schultz, and the SKA administration and faculty members who helped facilitate the week together with the many SKA student committee members for their work in organizing this enlightening and special week.