During these trying times, the Yeshiva of Central Queens family is doing their best to help their brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael. Students and staff have been working on strengthening their connection with Hashem and fellow Jews, by davening with more kavanah and providing support to chayalim and all Israelis in need.
Students throughout the Yeshiva have been writing letters in Hebrew to show their appreciation and boost the morale of IDF soldiers. In addition to emotional support, students and staff organized a supply drive to send flashlights and toothbrushes to specific groups of chayalim that need the materials. They have verified the logistical details of the transportation and will ensure that everything gets to the soldiers.
Additionally, students have been leading their peers in T’hilim and t’filos every day after davening. On Friday, October 13, students had the special opportunity to virtually come together with dozens of yeshivah day schools across the country to daven and sing together. The session was a beautiful show of unity and a powerful message that we stand united as a nation.
Another example of their unwavering support for am Yisrael was shown when a first-grade class graciously hosted an Israeli student this week. They performed the mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim for the grandchild of a staff member whose family was stranded in America, unable to catch a flight back home to Israel. Students plastered their door with welcome signs and instantly made the little girl feel part of their class.
YCQ continues to daven for the peace and security of all of am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.