Yeshiva Har Torah’s Parent-Teacher Association hosts an opening event every year, extending a warm welcome to new families and fostering a sense of unity within the school community. This year, the committee pivoted the program and invited parents, grandparents and teachers for an evening of solidarity in the wake of the tragedies that began in Israel over Shemini Atzeret.
The evening opened with “Hatikvah,” followed by words of inspiration from the Head of School, Rabbi Gary Menchel. The night’s agenda was thoughtfully planned around TLC -Tefilah (prayer), Learning, and Chesed (acts of kindness). Attendees gathered to recite Tehillim. Afterward, everyone participated in an enlightening learning session presented by Rabbi Etan Ehrenfeld, Middle School Assistant Principal. YHT’s Director of Psychology Services, Dr. Karyn Feinberg, made a presentation offering strategies to assist us in taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally, in order to be able to provide for the needs of our children. We also had the privilege of hearing from our four Bnot Sherut who are here for the year to complete their national service from Israel. They shared personal accounts and words of inspiration. The evening concluded with attendees writing heartfelt letters to soldiers for their strength and heroism, and to local appointed officials, expressing deep gratitude for their support of Israel amidst these challenging times.
Yeshiva Har Torah’s PTA partnered with two organizations to support our front-line workers in Israel, including Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and Friends of Magen David Adom. We hope to see peace in Eretz Yisrael and for all of our soldiers to return home safely and soon.