On a recent Motzaei Shabbos, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe sponsored an “Evening of Chizuk” in the Great Neck community with Rabbi Joey Haber. Crowds packed the event space, and all in attendance went home with new perspectives and inspiration.
Dr. Don Bandari opened the evening by thanking the Yeshiva for the care and concern for each talmid. Dr. Bandari mentioned that Yeshiva succeeds at being m’chaneich the talmidim in a balanced and healthy way. Rabbi Don Pacht, menahel, then welcomed the guests and introduced the Yeshiva film.
Rabbi Haber presented a message on chinuch and parenting, focused on the need to make sacrifices to properly raise our children. The Yeshiva thanks Rabbi Haber for his words of inspiration, as well as the Lovi family for hosting the Motza’ei Shabbos lecture and always extending themselves on behalf of the Yeshiva.