Colors: Blue Color

The HAFTR Early Childhood children walked into class last Monday and couldn’t believe their eyes! In honor of Parshas VaYeira, in the middle of their classrooms stood a four sided “tent.” They “dwelled” in Avraham Avinu’s tent for many activities and even held their maagal in the tent throughout the week. They davened, had meetings, learned the parshah, listened to stories, played with toys, and had lunches and snacks in the tent! The classes walked around the HAFTR campus and scouted out the various tents, and counted how many sides each tent had open.

Hadar Bet Yaakov spent Yud-Alef Cheshvan, Rachel Imeinu’s yahrzeit, as a time to underscore the pivotal role chesed plays in our lives. Rachel Imeinu has always been a role model for chesed, and Hadar Bet Yaakov utilized the day to teach girls about real-time chesed opportunities in their lives. After the chesed presentation, the girls enjoyed a kumsitz with keyboard accompaniment where they sang “Mama Rochel” from Journeys, V’Zakeini, and other moving songs.

Last week, IVDU LI launched a new karate class led by Master Eli of Pakua Long Island (in Hewlett, New York). The oldest class began a yearlong program, which will be held weekly and will cover the basic elements of karate.

Just because Shabbatonim can’t happen this semester does not mean Erev Shabb-A-Tonim can’t! The seniors were the first grade to experience this new program, which began Thursday afternoon with “Kickball Kickoff” in Cunningham Park! After that, they returned to school for pre-Shabbos ruach, a session about decision-making, and Shabbat-O-Gram writing.

On Wednesday, November 4, at Shevach High School, the excitement in the air was palpable, as the Ruach Committee introduced their theme of the year: “Colors.” The Ruach heads – Leyam Badalov, Neshama Fedowitz, Shaina Huzarsky, and Rivka Lavian – under the direction of Shevach Educational Administrator Mrs. Devorah Kovitz, performed an original song and dance for the girls that had all the girls up and dancing.