Colors: Blue Color

Children of Kew Gardens and Kew Gardens Hills were treated to a special treat in honor of Rosh Chodesh Sivan this past Sunday afternoon. The Klein’s ice cream truck came to town, serving delicious cones to neighborhood kids. The first stop was at the Kew Gardens Synagogue Adath Yeshurun(aka The Big Shul), where families lined up in an orderly fashion according to their last name. Then, three stops were made in KGH: first at Young Israel Queens Valley, then in front of Yeshiva of Central Queens, and finally in front of the Queens Valley Playground (better known as the Shabbos Park), at the corner of 76th Avenue and 137th Street. Children and parents alike social distanced in a remarkable fashion, making a true kidush Hashem as they formed lines patiently awaiting their turn to meet the ice cream man! The special delicacy was sponsored anonymously to bring cheer to the children stuck at home most of the week in quarantine. Mi K’amcha Yisrael!

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, individuals of all ages are left feeling isolated, helpless, and looking for support like never before. Despite the resiliency of the human spirit, this “new normal” is taking its toll on countless members of our community – family members, neighbors, friends, and colleagues. Thousands of individuals have turned to OHEL for care, comfort, and mental health services, and OHEL continues to be the central address for the heavy lifting necessary to support the community during these trying times. The OHEL ACCESS line has been ringing consistently with urgent requests to actively and directly aid with Domestic Violence, Anxiety, Care Giving for individuals with disabilities and older adults, Coping, Loss, and Grief.

Even though the courts have been operating on a more limited basis, Sarah’s Voice, Shalom Task Force’s legal department, has been busy ensuring their clients and all victims of domestic violence within our community are safe during the current pandemic.

Shavuos is the culmination of the seven-week-long “counting of the Omer” that occurs following Pesach. The very name “Shavuos” means “Weeks,” in recognition of the weeks of anticipation leading up to the Har Sinai experience. Shavuot commemorates Hashem giving the Torah to B’nei Yisrael. During the holiday prayer services, we read the story of the Revelation at Mount Sinai and the giving of the Ten Commandments. On the second day of Shavuos, we read Megillas Rus.

That’s one proposal to 'help businesses,' but at what cost?

As its name suggests, Main Street is the commercial spine of Kew Gardens Hills, but since the coronavirus quarantine was declared in mid-March, many of its restaurants and small stores have not reopened. With many consumers staying home and fears that there is not enough room for social distancing, the city Department of Transportation is looking into the possibility of “pedestrianizing” certain streets so that restaurants would have space for outdoor dining.