Colors: Blue Color

The autumn rain did not deter 150 runners from circling the Unisphere globe in Flushing Meadows Park last Sunday in a 5K challenge benefiting families in need. “It was insane, really wet,” said Laura Schutzman, whose daughter attends fourth grade at the Yeshiva of Central Queens. “There was so much school pride to run for three miles in pouring rain, and people on the sidelines offering doughnuts and coffee.”

Sukkos is a happy and exciting time for Jewish families across the globe. But what do you do with your kids for a full week without yeshivah?

Well, once again the Chazaq organization stepped up to the plate. While Chazaq’s main mission is to inspire the thousands of local public school children by providing dozens of educational programs on a monthly basis, nevertheless Chazaq has continued their exciting children’s extravaganzas for the community at large.

The General Election this Tuesday does not involve the highest offices in the country, state, or city, but it offers voters an opportunity to alter the city’s “constitution” with five questions concerning conflicts of interest, community-police relations, voting, budget, and land use. It also offers a final say on the full terms ahead for Public Advocate and Queens District Attorney.

On Tuesday night, 17 Elul (September 17) hundreds of people from Kew Gardens and other communities came together at the Ner Mordechai Congregation on Lefferts Boulevard for a night of chizuk and t’hilim for a r’fuah for all cholei Yisrael, and specifically for Alexander Zisha ben Alizah (Rosenblum), the renowned “tantzer” and baal chesed, who was in a horrific car accident almost three years ago and needs a major r’fuah sh’leimah.

In 1969, man took the iconic first steps on the moon. That same summer, a giant leap was taken by a visionary group of founders who established OHEL Children’s Home & Family Services. When OHEL’s doors opened to abused, neglected, and homeless children, the children took their first steps into loving care.

“Giant Leaps Taken, Bold Steps Forward” is the theme for OHEL’s 50th Gala, set for Sunday, November 24, at the New York Marriott Marquis.