Life was much simpler when Warren Hecht stuck to bike riding and hockey columns. This past week, he attempted to make hay over a guilty verdict rendered against Donald Trump by a Manhattan jury in the E. Jean Carrol trial.
I have read with interest and appreciation the comments of Rav Yoel Schonfeld, in your issue prior to Pesach, regarding the importance of proper dress during davening. A letter to the editor took issue with Rabbi Schonfeld and felt that a person should dress, while davening, in a way that makes one feel “comfortable.”
As avid weekly readers of the “Dating Today” column in the QJL, we were disheartened to read the antagonistic letter directed at Goldy Krantz two weeks ago. We want to express our support for Goldy and her invaluable contributions to our community.
Samuel Mark, in his letter to the editor two issues ago, took me to task for a number of issues. I do not wish to respond to his entire lengthy letter, especially since good portions of it made no sense to me.