Dear Editor:

It took weeks for my wife and children to stop talking about the first time Goldy published this article. Here we go again. People should do what’s best for them and not drag everyone into their life decisions. It’s like the people who post every conversation they have with a Starbucks barista who gets their name wrong. Who cares?

Tribes of Interests

Dear Editor:

Did you hear the one about the man who married five half-sisters, one after the other, after hearing that the previous one had died? To top it off, he later learned that the first one was alive, and he had to divorce two of his wives. That’s the insider’s way of asking whether you’re keeping up with Daf Yomi – the example here is last week’s Y’vamos 96.

Dear Editor:

I don’t know if your readers are aware of this or not, but New York State has just launched a full-scale attack on our yeshivah system. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has released new proposed regulations that would subject the curriculum and faculty of yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs, day schools, and other private schools to regular inspections and reviews by local school boards. If the school’s curriculum or faculty is found lacking, the regulations require local school boards to notify the school’s parent body that they must enroll their children in a different school. Parents who don’t cooperate would be subject to severe fines or even jail time.