When we work to refine ourselves and our connection to Hashem, we can arouse the Divine Assistance we need to not only succeed in our endeavors but to also change our very mazal. Through t’filah, t’shuvah, and tz’dakah, we can merit brachos and y’shuos that were previously not suitable for us. A negative Heavenly decree can be rescinded; and a y’shuah can come even “when a sword is resting on your neck.”

The theme of the evening was Mesorah, as 350 people gathered to celebrate with the honorees and applaud the achievements of 26 young men who received rabbinic ordination at Touro’s Lander College for Men Beis Medrash L’Talmud Chag HaSemichah. Family members, alumni, rebbeim, supporters, and honorees came together to recognize, reflect, and rejoice at the Gala Dinner, which was held at Terrace on the Park this past Sunday.

It takes will power to wake up unbearably early on a Sunday morning, pack up your gear, and head up to the Mountains. But the families at the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates who summoned the energy were treated to a bright sunny day on the slopes. Catamount greeted the YIJE skiers of all ages with some fresh snow and friendly faces, all looking to take advantage of that last bit of wintry fun. This adventure was organized by hard-working YIJE youth director Jacob Herskowitz, who worked to make the day hassle free and affordable for all.

Over 750 parents, alumni, and friends of the Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) joined together to celebrate 81 years of harbatzas haTorah to the Queens Jewish community with a festive Motza’ei Shabbos Dinner to support the Yeshiva’s scholarship fund. The Dinner coincided with the parshah of VaYakhel and Parshas Sh’kalim, which refers to the fundraising for and the construction of the Mishkan.

Senior Gedolei Yisrael Representing all Shevatim of Klal Yisrael Address the Multitudes

By Chaim Gold

It was a surprise that sent the many thousands in the Cure Insurance Arena into a frenzy of cherdas kodesh and simcha. In the middle of the siyum, Rabbi Leibish Lish, the chairman of the evening, in a voice trembling with emotion, announced that the venerated Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park was about to enter the arena. To say that the stadium erupted would be an understatement. All craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the holy countenance, the wisdom and temimus of the Rebbe as he slowly entered the stadium and was brought to the middle of the table of Gedolei Yisrael.