The Rabbinical Alliance of America – the Igud HaRabbonim, representing over 950 American rabbis – stands in support and solidarity with Asian Americans and calls on all Americans to likewise stand up and condemn the recent violence perpetrated against Asian Americans. The tragic, cold-blooded Atlanta shooting this week by an evil, hateful individual claimed the lives of eight innocent people, possibly due to racism. Tragically, less than an hour later, four Asian Americans were murdered in a separate violent shooting.

On Seder night, all of us are obligated to see ourselves as if we personally left Egypt: In every generation a person must see himself as though he personally had gone out of Egypt, as it is said: “And you shall tell your son in that day, saying: “It is because of what the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt.”

Met Council brought the largest pre-Pesach distribution of free, kosher food in the country to its Boro Park Chesed Center and to UJO Williamsburg at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Thousands of families received 768,799 pounds of food between the two locations, a $3.9 million investment by Met Council to ensure Jewish New Yorkers would not go without food this Pesach.

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