On Thursday, March 12, as a continuation of its “Wired for Success” program, which was initiated last year, Shevach High School held a thought-provoking morning. Coordinated by technology program heads Hodaya Alcoby, Daniella Haim, and Dina Kiffel, under the guidance of Shevach Principal Rebbetzin Rochelle Hirtz, the theme of “Take Our Advice, Stay Off Your Device” was introduced.

During the final week of September 2020, Denis P. Mullaney quietly took on the role of commanding officer for the 107th Police Precinct that serves a swath of Queens from Kew Gardens Hills through Fresh Meadows, Cunningham Heights, and Hilltop Village. The area also covers parts of Flushing, Pomonok, Hillcrest, and Jamaica Estates. At that time, he also celebrated two decades with the department, and had just concluded a four-year stint as the commanding officer in the department’s Transit District 20 that broadly covered the scope of the 107th precinct. He replaced Deputy Inspector Scott Henry, who transferred to the Transportation Authority.

Pirkei Avos was collected and written down by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi in Eretz Yisrael as a statement of the principles of the Jewish religion. Pirkei Avos details the Torah’s views on ethics and interpersonal relationships. Unlike all the other books of the Mishnah, Pirkei Avos has no law in it. It is made up of wise sayings or lessons.

The Navi Yechezkel writes about Noach, Iyov, and Daniel as three men who saw three worlds. Each saw a world in its glory, a world in its destruction, and a world rebuilt. Throughout the 106 years of Rav Mordechai Leib Glatstein’s illustrious life, he saw three worlds in many forms. There is hardly anyone alive who knew him during the early years of his scholarship in Warsaw when he received s’michah from the Ravad of Warsaw, or as he sat together with the Piezecna Rebbe, comforting broken Yidden. No one could have imagined that this quiet, humble man was in the room when Rav Menachem Ziemba, Rav Shamshon Stockhammer, and Rav Dovid Shapiro among others, were discussing whether or not to rise up against the Nazi beast that had tortured them in the Warsaw Ghetto.

The weeks leading up to Pesach are often filled with fragrant aromas emanating from homes, as delectable dishes are prepared for the holiday festivities. But many families struggle to put food on their tables. This year, a long list of organizations, individuals, and synagogues took on the plight of food insecurity plaguing our community and went above and beyond to ease the financial burdens on families ahead of the holiday. I was privileged to personally visit an array of food pantries, meet and greet clients, and interact and assist volunteers on their mission to feed the hungry. I also spoke with other community leaders who operated noteworthy food distributions. I encourage our readership to submit Letters to the Editor that highlight additional Pesach food drives.