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 I really should be very happy. I’ve been writing and screaming from the hilltops for years that the established Jewish organizations need to do what they are supposed to do and organize a massive rally to support Israel and react to the anti-Semitism plaguing us these days. The silence of these organizations was a disgrace and undermined the need for Jews to respond to the hatred coming from the Congress, college campuses, in the streets, BLM – and yes, from some of our own Jews.

 We live in very confusing times. We want to fight racism, so we create racism. We teach that all whites are racists and that it is systemic. And our president is then, by definition, racist. It would be right for him to step down and yield the office to his vice president, who is whatever race and gender – one could fill in the appropriate non-racist and non-sexist boxes. We teach tolerance of all genders, but we are taught that there really is no gender separation. Being called a hypocrite is considered not an insult but a confirmation of the correctness of this skewered way of thinking.

 Someone in my shul referred me to an article by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel (the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue), which appeared in The Wall Street Journal of July 3-4. The article pointed to the classic painting by John Trumbull, placed in the Capitol Rotunda since July 4, 1826 – the 50th anniversary of American independence. The painting depicts the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

 I spoke with a respected staffer at the OU, who told me he was at a rally for Israel in Great Neck earlier this week that was well attended by Israel supporters, politicians, and clergy. A Reform rabbi expressed his solidarity with Israel, which truthfully was a pleasant surprise. Of course, the expected “but” followed.