Colors: Cyan Color

Dear Editor:

 Although I’ve never written in before and I generally agree wholeheartedly with Rabbi Schonfeld’s takes, I want to take issue with Rabbi Schonfeld’s desire to criminalize those who choose not to vaccinate. Rabbi, before you brand those who disagree with you as criminals (with a recommendation of jail time?), have you considered perhaps we are being misled by the CDC, Dr. Fauci and all their supporters in the mainstream press? They’ve gotten so much wrong from the get-go and their track record hasn’t gotten much better since.

A Tzadik In Our Midst

Dear Editor:

The Mishnah tells us in Avos 1:6 that one should acquire a chaver. I once heard Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld zt”l explain that when you learn Torah together with a chavrusa or go to shiurim with a chavrusa, you acquire a friend in a much more profound manner than someone you get together with for a weekly card game. When I think of my chavrusa and chaver b’dei’os for close to 30 years, Rabbi David Keehn z”l, Rabbi Schonfeld’s explanation becomes clear.

My Thoughts On The Passing Of R' David Keehn

Dear Editor:

 As stated by others, he did go beyond the call of duty to help the community and his patients. But he went a lot further than that. He helped individuals, as well, when they were going through difficult times, no matter if they were relatives or not. I can attest to that fact, as over the last two years I have been going through a personal crisis, and he has been providing me with guidance and assistance that has been very helpful to me in dealing with this situation. And he never did so to score mitzvah points, although I am certain he raked up many for all the self-sacrifice and kindness he has shown. When my mother passed away, even though it was a work day and bad weather, he came to the funeral to provide me with great comfort. And he did many other things for me that are too numerous to put in writing.

Dear Editor:

 On this Shabbos Hatzolah of Queens, I felt that it is necessary to share a true story. I work in the main office of the Jewish Institute of Queens. This week, I received a call from a young man, identifying himself as a member of Hatzalah. He asked if we have a certain young lady in our employ. The name was vaguely familiar to me, since it was the maiden name of one of our wonderful teachers. He proceeded to tell me that she needs to be called to the phone immediately.