The discussions have already begun. How will the world memorialize the 1,400 Jews brutally massacred on October 7? Monuments? Statues? Museums? If it’s up to me, I would politely decline all three. Of course, we must remember the holy Jews killed al kiddush Hashem; but the last thing we need is another museum of dead Jews.
Here is a list of the proper way to remember those holy Yidden:
Hamas wanted death, so we show them life! The Israeli government needs to immediately declare full sovereignty over 100 percent of Yehudah, Shomron, and yes – Gaza! – and bring hundreds of thousands of Jews to these areas. Hamas murdered 1,400; so we need to remember them by building new towns, new schools, new shuls, and tens of thousands of new homes – in their memory!
Cities like Sderot, Ofakim, Netivot, Ashkelon, and Kiryat Shmonah were hit hard by rockets, with over 250,000 people traumatized and forced to move out of their homes, so let these very cities become centers of happiness and joy. Country clubs, amusement parks, cultural centers, and opera houses should be opened in these cities for everyone to enjoy – and they should be named after the victims.
By attacking on Shabbos and Simchas Torah, the vicious enemy showed that it waged a war, not only against the Jewish nation, but against Hashem Himself. B’ezras Hashem, even before the IDF finishes annihilating the enemy, we must remember the holy soldiers who fell by increasing our Shabbos observance and our simchas Torah! Let every shul in the world begin new shiurim on hilchos Shabbos in memory of fallen soldiers. Let there be more singing during our davening and more simchah in our Torah lives. Let every community reach out – not just one Shabbos a year – but every Shabbos to our non-observant Jewish brothers and sisters with a welcoming smile and a yummy cholent. In the fighting spirit of those who died while fearlessly defending the Jewish people, let us motivate our youth to get in touch with their neshamah and light it on fire! What an amazing way to honor the tzadikim whose lives were cut short.
I can come up with many more suggestions, and I’m sure everyone reading these words has some great ideas, as well, but the point is clear. We don’t want another museum; we want another opportunity – another chance to grow, prosper, and bring incredible “nachas” to our Father in Heaven. It is vital that we remember each and every soul that was lost, and that we continue to pray for the injured, missing, and kidnapped – but not with a concrete building and sad music. Please remember that right after Tish’ah B’Av – the saddest day of the year – comes Tu B’Av – the happiest day of the year. The lesson is clear: Of course we mourn and cry; but as Jews, we get up from the floor, dust off the dirt, and build a more beautiful and meaningful country – with more kedushah than ever before.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Shmuel Sackett was born and raised in Queens. He made aliyah with his wife and children in 1990 and lives in Herzliya Pituach. He is the founder and director of the Am Yisrael Chai Fund ( Shmuel would love to hear from you: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..