On the morning of Monday, July 4, the Young Israel of Long Beach (YILB), in conjunction with Temple Zion Atlantic and the Long Beach Jewish Center, hosted the kickoff event for the new Community Summer Morning Kollel after the 8:30 a.m. minyan at the Young Israel.
After davening and people enjoying the lavish breakfast spread, Dr. Moishe Jeger, a prominent marbitz Torah (spreader of Torah) and member of the Lawrence community, gave the opening shiur to a large crowd who spent their morning in Torah study.
The new kollel will run every morning from approximately 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. (10-11:30 a.m. on Sundays) after the daily 8:30 a.m. Minyan at the Young Israel features an expanded breakfast, including bagels, fruit, cereal, Danishes, oatmeal, cold brew and hot coffee, orange juice, and more.
There will be an open beis midrash for people in and out of the community to come and learn what their hearts desire in a structured setting. Additionally, there will be a weekly chaburah (lecture) given by Dr. Moishe Jeger, who organized the kollel together with Rabbi Menachem Leib Brenner, Rabbi at Temple Zion, and Rabbi Binyamin Silver, Rabbi at the Young Israel.
“We are excited to expand the menu of Torah learning options in Long Beach and look forward to continued growth and harbatzas Torah (Spreading of Torah),” stated Rabbi Silver.
“This has been an important day for Long Beach and the entire Barrier Island Jewish Community,” said Rabbi Brenner. “For those who are retired, have off from work, or have extra time in the summer months, there now is a place for people in and out of the community to come and learn in a structured environment in the mornings.
The Temple Zion Atlantic and Long Beach Jewish Center is proud to join with the Young Israel of Long Beach to be at the forefront of strengthening Torah life and the kol Torah (sound of Torah study) in our community.” Everyone is welcome to attend.
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