On Monday, May 6, the Young Israel of Holliswood hosted a virtual Rosh Chodesh Iyar women’s shiur featuring Mrs. Chani Juravel, LCSW and popular lecturer. She spoke about S’firas HaOmer and the idea of counting seven weeks in a way that is complete. She shared that we need to ask ourselves as we count, did I make it a complete week? Did I really live every day in a unique way? We should try to experience deep appreciation for what we have. When we come up against difficulties, we should tell ourselves that today I’ve become that much more complete.

On Tuesday evening, April 16, Congregation Etz Chaim hosted a virtual lecture on repetitive stress injuries of the hand. Dr. Mel Breite, Founder and Director of the Navigating the Medical System Lecture Series greeted everyone. Next, Jee Yoan Chong, MS, OTR/L, CHT/CLT, shared a comprehensive overview of different types of stress injuries to the hand. The lecture, as always, contained informative and practical information. These lectures truly educate our community.