The Power of Ashrei
Chanun v’rachum Hashem, erech apayim u’g’dal chesed.
(And they will say:) “Hashem is gracious (giving people their needs) and merciful (guarding them from danger and harm), (and He is) slow to anger towards the wicked (not punishing them immediately) and does kindness in great measure.”
This pasuk reminds us of what we have been working on these past several weeks. Namely, Hashem created the world to bestow His lovingkindness with love and compassion, as is stated: “Olam chesed yibaneh” (T’hilim 89).
David HaMelech tells us that Hashem made known to Moshe Rabbeinu His ways:
Yodia d’rachav l’Moshe, livnei Yisrael alilosav.
He made known His ways to Moshe, His actions to B’nei Yisrael. (T’hilim 103:7)
What are those “ways”? The next pasuk is:
Rachum v’chanun Hashem, erech apayim v’rav chesed.
Merciful and gracious is Hashem, slow to anger and abundant of kindness.
(See Rabbeinu Bachya, Sh’mos 33:13-17). HaRav Avigdor Miller zt”l writes that Hashem’s reply to Moshe’s request to know His ways “denotes that His entire purpose is to be gracious (chanun) and merciful (rachum) always, and for this purpose He created the Universe.” (Praise, My Soul! by HaRav Avigdor Miller)
Chanun: Hashem bestows on His creatures a “chein” (grace or favor), that they should be beloved in His Eyes, so that He can then bestow gifts to them “chinam” (for free), even though they are undeserving.
V’Rachum: The word rachamim (mercy) resembles the Aramaic word “rachim,” to love. Both derive from the word “rechem” (womb), which signifies the powerful natural love of a mother. A mother has a powerful urge to protect her child from any harm, which is the meaning of “rachamim.” Hashem is merciful, guarding His creations from danger and harm.
Hashem: Timeless Master of all
Erech Apayim: Hashem delays punishment to allow His creations to return to Him and become worthy of a full pardon. The word “apayim” is plural, also conveying that Hashem delays reward for the tzadikim so that they will receive the true reward in Olam HaBa.
U’G’dal Chesed: Hashem shows His greatness in His loving-kindness. It is through His loving-kindness that Hashem demonstrates His true greatness. (based on The Hirsch Psalms by HaRav Samson Raphael Hirsch)
(Mostly based on HaRav Avigdor Miller in “Praise, My Soul!)
With each pasuk, we have the opportunity to continue to internalize and inculcate deeper and deeper within our hearts that Hashem created the world and all of us individually to bestow His goodness and chesed upon us. His unlimited power and wisdom are devoted to bestowing that goodness and chesed.
Each of us begins his or her day by thanking Hashem when we arise, reciting “Modeh ani l’fanecha,” and contemplating briefly our gratitude for waking up to another day. If we were to itemize our gratitude for every limb, organ, breath, food we eat and the ingredients contained in that food, mental capacity, all the ailments we do not have, roofs over our heads, heating and air conditioning, running water, bathrooms – we could go on for hours and longer. Hashem created us and continues to sustain us every second of our lives.
His ultimate kindness, which He bestows upon us, is the opportunity to earn an eternal blissful future world that will continue forever and ever as we bask in the radiance of His Sh’chinah. May we merit to recognize and appreciate Hashem’s grace, mercy, and compassion, and great kindness, which we enjoy every second of every day.
You can direct any questions or comments to Eliezer Szrolovits at 917-551-0150.