Weekly Tefilah Focus

Purim War Special 2

It seems that each time I am away from home, Hashem grants me new precious gifts to strengthen my...

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At the end of the first segment on Birchos HaTorah, we pointed out the huge, not-to-be-missed opportunity to pour our hearts out for our offspring and ourselves. The Chafetz Chaim writes that Birchos HaTorah is one of the most powerful opportunities to daven for our children and our grandchildren.

I want you to think about a concept that nobody talks about. You won’t hear your rav speak about this on Shabbos. You won’t read an article on this subject in any Jewish magazine, and you certainly won’t hear any politician speak this way. I am referring to the important aspect of fighting the Jewish enemy and, while extremely difficult and painful, how it is an integral – and necessary – part of our national life.

The first halachah in the Shulchan Aruch dealing with Birkas HaTorah (siman 47) is: “One must be extremely careful with Birkas HaTorah.” What is the reason for this immediate warning at the very opening of the halachos of Birkas HaTorah?

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