May 22, 2017, was a day filled with history, as the first sitting American President stood by the Kosel HaMaaravi, the Western Wall, said a prayer, and placed a note inside. President Trump’s arrival at Ben Gurion Airport was a festive one. Smiles, speeches, and handshakes for all the Israeli dignitaries were followed by a helicopter ride into Jerusalem. The President made a few short stops before his entourage took him and the first family to the Kosel Plaza.

The Aish HaTorah World Center rises up opposite the Kosel. It commands an amazing view of the Kosel Plaza, the Temple Mount, and of course, the shimmering roof tops of the Old City. Its location is so strategic, that the IDF, Mishmar HaGvul (Border Security), Police, and Shabak (Sheirut Bitachon Klali – General Security Service) forces all came to the same conclusion that the best possible way to secure the historic visit of President Trump to the Kosel was to take over the top two floors of the building, as well as all the windows overlooking the Kosel itself. It was clearly the best vantage point for a command post, spotters, and snipers. They informed Aish HaTorah that this is what they will be doing.

On the day of the visit, the Aish Center staff and students were already relegated to the lower floors many hours before the Presidential visit. During the day, Shabak and other special forces were constantly coming in and out of the building, ascending and descending to and from the roof with sinister-looking cases, backpacks, and other para-military equipment. Even a major Israeli radio station held its broadcast from inside the Aish Center. They moved into the office of Seth Clyman, Director of Guest Relations at Aish HaTorah World Building, and broadcast from his desk. They used the Center’s security cameras, and kept peppering Mr. Clyman with questions all throughout the visit. It was Seth Clyman who was actively involved in the historic event and told this unique story, which he personally witnessed.

Finally, after many hours of preparation, anticipation, and tense nervousness, the presidential motorcade showed up. The seemingly endless stream of cars and SUVs came barreling into the plaza and literally filled up the entire square.

As history will attest, the visit went smoothly. The President approached the Wall alone, standing for several moments in prayer at the holy site, a black kippah on his head. His prayers complete, he placed a note in the Wall and respectfully backed away before turning to leave, as Jewish tradition requires. Within minutes, everyone was back in the vehicles and the Presidential entourage left the Kosel Plaza. A few minutes after that, the security forces packed up their gear and left.

When the head of Shabak stepped out of the Aish building, there were still a few soldiers on the roof, packing up. Seth Clyman made his way to the roof and greeted the troops cordially. “When I got up there,” he recalled, “the snipers were still putting away their ‘toys’ – toys that were capable of taking down an elephant! Whatever was needed for the job!”

They were nice, calm, cool, and collected guys. Seth made small talk with them. They looked tired and baked from all the hours sitting up on the roof in the blazing sun. He asked them if he could take a picture with them, but they refused. “Sorry, no pictures. Not allowed. Only with our masks on so we cannot be identified. It’s been a long day.”

As they were waiting for the elevator to take them down, Seth asked the men, “Tell me, what did you guys do up on the roof for all those hours?” The President was there for only a short time, but these guys were on the roof almost the entire day! And then, he saw it! To his utter amazement, bulging from the pocket of one of the soldiers was a small, pocket-size Gemara. Seth looked at the man who smiled, who then said, “What was I doing? I was doing Daf Yomi!”

So, there it was. A religious soldier was passing the time by learning Torah. Sitting high above the rooftops, as the US Presidential visit to the Kosel was taking place, seen by millions world-wide, there was a Jew studying Daf Yomi. Learning Torah. Connecting to the One Above, while keeping an eye on events on the ground! Who knows why the visit really came off so smoothly? Hashem is always protecting the Jewish people, especially when they learn Torah. And the Jewish people are with Hashem, even when they happen to be sharpshooters on a rooftop protecting the President of the United States!

[Adapted from Peh Tahor, Shavuos 5777]

Rabbi Dovid Hoffman is the author of the popular “Torah Tavlin” book series, filled with stories, wit and hundreds of divrei Torah, including the brand new “Torah Tavlin Yamim Noraim” in stores everywhere. You’ll love this popular series. Also look for his book, “Heroes of Spirit,” containing one hundred fascinating stories on the Holocaust. They are fantastic gifts, available in all Judaica bookstores and online at To receive Rabbi Hoffman’s weekly “Torah Tavlin” sheet on the parsha, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.