Mrs. Batsheva Nagel, who lives in Eretz Yisrael, shared that, with all the challenges going on now, it’s important to see the beautiful things, and people need to acquire a positive focus.
At the outset of the war, she became involved with a project of starting a WhatsApp group that focuses on positives. The group and idea were initially started by Yaakov Carno of South Africa; Batsheva joined in to help and became the primary administrator. Then it turned into her project and is called “Am Yisrael Positivity Group!” People send in video clips about Israel that resonate with positivity. There are no politics, and nothing graphic is posted. She posts a few times a day. There is the whole spectrum of klal Yisrael. People expressed a lot of gratitude for this project, and that is what fuels her to continue. Batsheva is the Marketing Director for a chesed organization called Just One Chesed; their main mission is to change the world through chesed!
She shared that every day she receives around 50 messages. “Connecting to people in this way is so special.” People are using it in Italy, South Africa, the UK, the United States, and Israel. It’s so beautiful to see so many Jews come together for something positive.
Here are some samples of the positive stories she posted. Many are quoted from the WhatsApp. “Many of the Christian community are deeply unhappy about the allegations being leveled by our government on Israel,” explained Philip Rosenthal, director of ChristianView Network. “We believe in Genesis 12 that this will bring a curse on South Africa unless we distance ourselves from it. So, we will do that, and we have been doing that very strongly.” Hundreds of South African Christians are expected to gather in significant towns nationwide next Sunday to offer prayers for both South Africa and Israel. They intend to show solidarity with the Jewish state and to disassociate themselves from what they perceive as South Africa’s unfounded accusation of genocide against Israel.” (Jerusalem Post)
An Israeli soldier posted how people ask him how it is for him when he returns to civilian life. He said it’s challenging, but now, back in normal life, you appreciate how amazing life is. We have to appreciate having a regular bed, a family, and doing normal things. The media is giving a negative view and the wrong message that life is depressing. He advised to stop listening to the media and to watch things that make you happy. Life is optimistic and full of amazing things. Baruch Hashem, we have the ability to live in Israel as a free people. We need to appreciate it and live our lives fully.
A post from the subway in Paris shows an amazing surprise. It shows people walking through the subway tunnels and then it shows a group of street musicians with cello, accordion, clarinet, etc. playing “HaTikvah” loudly and clearly with pride.
Another beautiful post comes from Idan Amedi, TV show “Fauda” star, who was seriously injured while fighting as a reserve soldier in Gaza. He shared a photo of the Israeli flag, and this is what he wrote: “Every now and then, I have some understanding of the miracle that happened to me, but honestly, I don’t think I will ever grasp it. That’s how miracles are: You have to accept them, and above all don’t forget what happened. This journey through the sharp, flat, and curved angles of life, of war, changes you, shapes you and through it, you are reborn. You must remind yourself, especially when the road is rough, that there are still beautiful things to see. Thank G-d for all the gifts of life. And thank you to all the well-wishers. Eventually, I’ll manage to thank all of you.”
In addition, in recent months, people from Malawi in Africa have been working at a kibbutz near Gaza. They came following the departure of the workers from Thailand. These Malawians are pro-Israel, and the issue of abduction touches their hearts. Their friends back home, who are in an acapella band, filmed their support in a song for the Am Yisrael Positivity Group. Watching this makes this writer think that Mashiach is surely on his way. People see the truth and what’s good, and they recognize the royalty of Israel, baruch Hashem! The song and accompanying video displays signs that say, “We stand with Israel” and “Bring the hostages home.” The song is all about bringing the hostages home.
Thank you, Mrs. Nagel, and everyone for sharing so much positivity at a time when it is so needed. This is such a beautiful project. Hashem should continue to bless us with only positive news and the g’ulah b’karov!
By Susie Garber