Flying is safer than driving. Statistically there are more car accidents.” That’s what people tell you when you confide that you’re afraid of flying. It’s true, but for some reason, entering a car just doesn’t feel as scary to me. Maybe that’s because you stay on the ground the whole time.

On Monday evening, March 2, community members gathered to hear a stirring shiur by Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, well-known speaker, at Congregation Ner Mordechai. The shiur was hosted by Chazaq, Ner Mordechai, and Emet, which Rabbi Shapiro pointed out reflects the incredible achdus in Queens, where three organizations work together in such a beautiful way.

On Wednesday evening, February 12, community members gathered at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel to hear an uplifting shiur by Rabbi Yehoshua Landau of Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim in Beit Shemesh. He shared a number of powerful ideas on how to deal with anti-Semitism. First, he taught that, according to the Rambam, when tzaros occur, we need to cry out and take it personally, as if we can have an effect. “If people take it to heart, this can take away the tzaros. If there is no crying out and people say it’s just the way of the world that Eisav hates Yaakov and we don’t take it personally, that is cold-hearted and that won’t bring an end to the tzaros.” The Rambam is teaching us that we all need to introspect on how we can do t’shuvah and improve. “The process of this t’shuvah is more significant than any bottom line we can come up with.”