On Tuesday evening, February 11, the community gathered at Congregation Etz Chaim to hear another informative lecture hosted by Navigating the Medical System Lecture Series. Dr. Edward Moss, Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology at Weil Cornell Medicine and attending urologist at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, shared a comprehensive lecture on prostate health. He began by explaining that urology comprises the following structures: two kidneys, a tube that leaves the kidney and goes to the bladder; in a male it goes to the male organs and in a female to the urethra. He explained that the prostate is at the base of the bladder.

On Sunday evening, January 26, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, well-known mohel, author, and speaker, shared an inspiring shiur at the Five Towns Premier Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on the subject of stopping hatred. The shiur was hosted by Chazaq. Rabbi Krohn offered practical suggestions along with powerful stories.

On Monday evening, February 3, Rabbi Pinchas Winston, the author of over 50 books on Torah philosophy, the weekly parshah sheet PERCEPTIONS, and his site thirtysix.org, shared a shiur on g’ulah with community women at the home of Rabbi Dovid and Nechama Mirsky. The shiur was dedicated by Mrs. Linda Davidson l’ilui nishmas her father, Efrayim ben Chananyah Yom Tov Lipa, Mr. Efry Steinmetz, who was a warm, exuberant individual who loved people. He dedicated his life to family, spreading Yiddishkeit, and helping others. He was a baal tz’dakah and baal chesed par excellence. He was a pillar of the Jewish community in Caracas, Venezuela, where he lived most of his life, and a devoted chasid of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

On Motza’ei Shabbos, January 18, a large crowd gathered at Ohr Natan for an uplifting lecture on happiness. The shiur was hosted by Chazaq and Ohr Natan and can be viewed on TorahAnytime.com. Rabbi Goldwasser began by stating how this is his favorite topic. He shared that the same Hebrew letters in simchah are in machashavah, because happiness is dependent on thought. To be happy, you have to think of the brachos you have. He imparted, “Happiness is appreciating how we came together tonight in this beautiful shul to learn, to listen, and to interact.” Rabbi Goldwasser taught that when I person realizes the brachos he has, it’s altogether different.