There is an important characteristic in Judaism called hakaras ha’tov, being grateful. Every Yid must develop an awareness and a mindset that recognizes all the good that one receives and appropriately thank the Giver/giver. One of the ways in which we demonstrate our thanks to Hashem is by reciting Psalm 100 – Mizmor L’Sodah – in our weekday morning prayer service.

Psalm 100 – A Psalm of Thanksgiving – is a song to be sung upon the sacrifices of the “Todah” (“Thanksgiving”) offering. The Sages explain that a person would bring a “Todah” offering upon emerging from one of four life-threatening situations: imprisonment, grave illness, a sea voyage, or desert travel. Psalm 100, which accompanied the “Todah” offering, is a tribute to the Todah, the Thanksgiving offering.

Psalm 100 famously declares: “Ivdu es Hashem b’simchah, bo’u l’fanav bir’nanah – Serve Hashem with happiness and joy throughout your life; enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courtyards with praise!” This phrase imbues us to perform Hashem’s commandments in a state of happiness. Radak and Sforno explain that one should express joy while serving Hashem to show that it is not a burden to do Hashem’s work. The importance of simchah is expressed by a verse in the Tochachah (Rebuke) that describes the terrible calamities that will befall the Jewish people if they fail to heed the word Hashem. In Sefer D’varim 28:47, it explains that terrible curses of Hashem befall klal Yisrael “...because you did not serve G-d with happiness and a full heart…”

Psalm 100 – a Psalm of Thanksgiving – is a directive to serve Hashem with joy.

If a person serves Hashem and abides his mitzvos without happiness, the person may begin to act by rote and his prayers will lack meaning. The person may also begin to view the mitzvos as burdens and believe he is doing Hashem a favor by performing them.

In order to serve Hashem with happiness, every Yid needs to develop an awareness and acknowledge Hashem’s daily miracles and kindness. When we begin to recognize that all the good comes from Hashem, then we can begin to translate that happiness into a daily expression of gratitude.

Rabbi Avigdor Miller teaches us that “You should make a career of counting your blessings; it should be a career!” If we spend each day thinking of just ten things that we are grateful for, we will be able to serve Hashem with more happiness. Happiness is living with gratitude!

List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)

Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.


Yitzchak Shlomo ben Gittel

Yosef Chaim ben Ilana

Arkady Avraham ben Mazal

Chaim Shaul ben Esther

Yaakov Yisrael ben Chanah

Yosef Chaim ben Larrisa

Shmuel Nechemiah ben Hinda

Menachem ben Miriam

Yosef Yechiel Ben-Tzion ben Rivkah Beila

Binyamin Yehudah ben Leah


Esther Hadassah bas Devorah

Mitali Naomi bas Gilah Farcha

Chayah Sarah Leah bas Brachah

Heleni Orna bas Chein Chanah

Esther Brachah bas Chayah

Sima Frieda bas Chayah Rachel

Miriam bas Basya

Gila Raizel bas Gittel

Sally bas Rozy

Rachel bas Leah

Anna bas Roza

Chayah bas Regina

Angela bas Sarah

Rivkah Hila Hodayah bas Rachel

Ariellah bas Hila

Leah bas Esther


Israeli Soldiers (Please recite Psalms 25, 26, 46, 83, 142.)

Yehoshua ben Aliza Esther

Menachem ben Aliza Esther

Gavriel Efraim ben Chanah Yafah

Netanel Akiva ben Chanah Yafah

Yonatan Ezra ben Chanah Yafah

Chaim Aba Menachem ben Naomi Beila

Daniel Moshe ben Devorah

Gavriel Yehudah ben Yaakov

Shmuel ben Aharon

Moshe ben Shoshanah Esther

Yehoshua ben Tzvi

Dvir Moshe ben Dinah

Oriel ben Dinah

Dor ben Zehavah

Daniel ben Rachel

Shalev David ben Revital Renanah

Daniel ben Orli

Tal ben Ilana Ilanit

Mordechai Daniel ben Leah Rachel

Yotam ben Efrat Michal

Michael ben Naomi Sarah

Moshe Eliyahu ben Dinah Yehudis

Yosef ben Shlomis

Yosef ben Sarit

Yosef Daniel ben Anat

Yosef Chaim ben Hadassah

Ron ben Ahuvah

To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.