Quick facts:

Name: Hillel Neuman

Name of Program: Beshivticha

Age: 18 years old

Name of Website: Beshivticha.com

Founded: March 16 (first day that schools closed)

Yeshivah currently in: Chofetz Chaim Queens, 12th grade

Lives in: Queens

Q: Hillel, please tell us about Beshivticha.

A: Beshivticha is an amazing, global program that motivates boys and girls to daven, learn, and say T’hilim by having raffles daily.

How did you come up with this idea?

I was originally going to start an avos u’vanim Shabbos program in my community; I called it Shabbas Kodshecha. It was supposed to start on the Shabbos of Parshas Ki Sisa, which is the week the shuls closed, right before Shabbos. I bought 1,000 business cards and made flyers. My friend Yaakov Shapiro (who also is very involved in the program) and I switched the concept and name from Shabbas Kodshecha to Beshivticha B’veisecha. As quarantine became more and more of a reality, I knew there was going to be a great need to motivate boys and girls to daven, learn, and say T’hilim during this trying time.

How many boys and girls are currently signed up?

We currently have over 650 people in the program, and the numbers keep growing! It’s incredible how the program has grown so large from mostly word of mouth. We already have over 5,000 hours of learning and T’hilim in just the past two months! Truly incredible!

Where are people signing up from?

People are signing up from all over! We are all over the globe. We have people all over the United States, Canada, Israel, and even India!

What type of prizes can participants win?

We have raffles every day (separate boys’ and girls’ raffles). Boys and girls from grades Kindergarten through 12th grade can win prizes like Hydroflasks, Amazon gift cards, Aquabeads, LEGO sets, and even AirPods! Sign up to see all our daily prizes!

Who is sponsoring the prizes?

Sponsors :) We are fortunate to have people in the program who love it and want to help to continue the program and see it grow. We also have other people who contact us to sponsor. Beshivticha was started without any money or any sponsors, but we did the raffles anyway and the money came! We have given out over $3,000 worth of prizes so far, and the program is still going! If you would like to sponsor and help the program grow, you can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go to beshivticha.com where you can donate! Tizku l’mitzvos!

How did you get Rabbi Paysach Krohn involved?

If you haven’t seen our video, go to Beshivticha.com. Rabbi Krohn was very excited about the program and agreed to speak for the video. It was really nice of him to do that, and I thank him very much!

Q: How does someone sign up?

The main Beshivticha program is run via WhatsApp (where we send out the prizes for the day, link to enter the raffle, and the winners!). If you don’t use WhatsApp, you can join our email list and you could enter the raffle at Beshivticha.com! It literally only takes a minute to enter the raffle each evening.

Is there anything else that you would like to mention?

I just want to end off by saying that if your family isn’t a Beshivticha family yet, join! We get emails and messages saying how excited families are to daven and learn due to Beshivticha! Also, I want to say it’s really incredible how this program has affected so many people and just shows that if you have a good idea, do it and great things will come, b’ezras Hashem! We need to continue to daven and learn during these times, and Beshivticha is just a great extra motivation!